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Binge Poster
I tried to track this back to see where your going here.
You- do Christians sin?

Me - yes (1 john 1;8 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.)

You - they are lost?

Me - no, it's a relationship between a father & a child. I don't throw them out of the family every time they sin against me. And then wonder if they will return to me in repentance. In - out, in - out, in - out throughout their lifetime. They are my son, they hear my voice, I teach them, I discipline them, I carry them, I sustain them. If he rebels I continue to call out to him. He may fall to the bottom before he realizes he truly needs me.

We're all born to serve him, but most reject it
I love the Bible. Even when I was a small child I have always seen its usefulness in leading me to the Word of God. While hearing it at Mass, reading it on my own, and studying it with others for decades I accumulated a lot of interest, hope, and knowledge.

The accumulation of of these attributes helped me at times and deserted me at other times. I was near death.

Then one day I surrendered to the Word of God, the Christ, the Messiah, my Messiah, Jesus. I surrendered my life to Him and Him alone and through Him I finally met God. The God who I had been interested in, hoping for, and learning about through religion.

When I had finally in my heart, soul and mind exalted Jesus to His proper place, the place where I had come to learn that he sat, with our Father in heaven and now I spiritually understood the meaning of this in my life, I received power and courage from on High.

It is my firm belief based upon my experience in my own life and observations in the lives of other like hearted and minded people that when we truly exalt the person of Jesus to his God ordained place, that the Holy Spirit, His Holy Spirit will come and take up spiritual residence and with this indwelling, we can be filled with His Spirit to overflow as He enables and we can then fully experience the spiritual power and truth of the Word. He alone will guide me as He dwells in me.


Binge Poster
If someone asks the Lord for forgiveness it shows that they are with him, yes.

If we don't confess our sin, do we lose Salvation? Is that what you believe? What if we miss 1 along the way?
Based upon my belief, experience, and observation the answers are:
No-No-Covered by Jesus.


Well-Known Member
its common sense right which a lot of people dont have


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If someone asks the Lord for forgiveness it shows that they are with him, yes.
With him?
If one ask for forgiveness, one must have sinned. The Bible teaches sin separates you from God.
So verse 9 is not necessary? You are saved whether you do this or not? Or as you put it.. "with Him".
If we don't confess our sin, do we lose Salvation? Is that what you believe? What if we miss 1 along the way?
I'll/We'll get here. But, can we just address a little at a time?
If someone asks the Lord for forgiveness it shows that they are with him, yes.
Is verse 9 a condition of forgiveness?
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