Christianity ended slavery.
It was designed to.
Yes, and do you think that justifies continuing to own slaves after the technology had developed that made it no longer necessary?
I'm no slave owner. You can back off on inferring I'm pro salary because I disagree with you on what the cause was of the Civil War was.
You can read instruction on the Master/Slave relationship that Paul required of Christians in Ephesians 6 and other places in the N.T. Christianity "turned the world upside down" when it came on the scene. The world had slaves, servants, indentured servants. A way of life. An accepted way of life.
I think the Lord in his wisdom realized there was going to be enough problems for the new coverts. Enough persecution about enough things. So, let a preacher of Christianity stand up and preach, "God says it's wrong to own slaves!" More reason for those in power to kill them all.
How about instruction on how Christian masters are to treat their slaves? How about instruction to Christian slaves on how they are to treat their maters? How about a gradual growth and learning about what is right in the treatment of one another and reaching a conclusion how God designed and planned us to reach without more death and persecution?
It took a war for America. If the North had not invaded the South over succession/money, slavery would have taken care of itself in this country like God intended for it to be taken care of.