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Well-Known Member
lol it was never necessary to begin with
Historically most cultures had slaves since civilization began. Groups conquered other groups and forced them to do their manual labor. My point was what abolitionist groups were arguing, that the Industrial Revolution had by the time of the Civil War brought machinery that could do most of the work. It was no longer necessary to have large groups of laborers like the Southern plantations did. This is beside the point that the practice itself is onerous, repugnant, and immoral.


Inordinately Right


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If someone asks the Lord for forgiveness it shows that they are with him, yes.
You didn't answer.
It looks like the verse is telling the one who sinned (the one with him)to confess that in order to receive forgiveness.
It doesn't sound like you're thinking that. If so, is John instructing something that is optional in the verse? If you like, you can do what the verse says but if you don't, no worries ,because grace will cover you automatically?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Christianity ended slavery.

It was designed to.
Yes, and do you think that justifies continuing to own slaves after the technology had developed that made it no longer necessary?
I'm no slave owner. You can back off on inferring I'm pro salary because I disagree with you on what the cause was of the Civil War was.
You can read instruction on the Master/Slave relationship that Paul required of Christians in Ephesians 6 and other places in the N.T. Christianity "turned the world upside down" when it came on the scene. The world had slaves, servants, indentured servants. A way of life. An accepted way of life.
I think the Lord in his wisdom realized there was going to be enough problems for the new coverts. Enough persecution about enough things. So, let a preacher of Christianity stand up and preach, "God says it's wrong to own slaves!" More reason for those in power to kill them all.
How about instruction on how Christian masters are to treat their slaves? How about instruction to Christian slaves on how they are to treat their maters? How about a gradual growth and learning about what is right in the treatment of one another and reaching a conclusion how God designed and planned us to reach without more death and persecution?
It took a war for America. If the North had not invaded the South over succession/money, slavery would have taken care of itself in this country like God intended for it to be taken care of.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It was designed to.

I'm no slave owner. You can back off on inferring I'm pro salary because I disagree with you on what the cause was of the Civil War was.
You can read instruction on the Master/Slave relationship that Paul required of Christians in Ephesians 6 and other places in the N.T. Christianity "turned the world upside down" when it came on the scene. The world had slaves, servants, indentured servants. A way of life. An accepted way of life.
I think the Lord in his wisdom realized there was going to be enough problems for the new coverts. Enough persecution about enough things. So, let a preacher of Christianity stand up and preach, "God says it's wrong to own slaves!" More reason for those in power to kill them all.
How about instruction on how Christian masters are to treat their slaves? How about instruction to Christian slaves on how they are to treat their maters? How about a gradual growth and learning about what is right in the treatment of one another and reaching a conclusion how God designed and planned us to reach without more death and persecution?
It took a war for America. If the North had not invaded the South over succession/money, slavery would have taken care of itself in this country like God intended for it to be taken care of.
We’re still paying for it today. Whatever money slaves generated has long since been paid back to them. No return on that money.


Well-Known Member
It was designed to.

I'm no slave owner. You can back off on inferring I'm pro salary because I disagree with you on what the cause was of the Civil War was.
You can read instruction on the Master/Slave relationship that Paul required of Christians in Ephesians 6 and other places in the N.T. Christianity "turned the world upside down" when it came on the scene. The world had slaves, servants, indentured servants. A way of life. An accepted way of life.
I think the Lord in his wisdom realized there was going to be enough problems for the new coverts. Enough persecution about enough things. So, let a preacher of Christianity stand up and preach, "God says it's wrong to own slaves!" More reason for those in power to kill them all.
How about instruction on how Christian masters are to treat their slaves? How about instruction to Christian slaves on how they are to treat their maters? How about a gradual growth and learning about what is right in the treatment of one another and reaching a conclusion how God designed and planned us to reach without more death and persecution?
It took a war for America. If the North had not invaded the South over succession/money, slavery would have taken care of itself in this country like God intended for it to be taken care of.
And do you know in the Americas who treated slaves much better? We're talking about slavery in the U.S. right? In much of Latin America slaves were allowed to earn money and buy their freedom. They often married into their master's family. The Catholic Church required that they be treated decently. Not that the Spanish and French always did. Haiti saw the most successful slave revolt in history. The Portuguese in Brazil were better at treating their slaves well. Reflected in the mixing there.

But I digress. In the U.S. slaves were often treated as subhuman. The owners tore families apart. They didn't give them an education. It was industrialized slavery. A far cry from how Paul said they should be treated. What went on in the States was indefensible and as thus evil to its core. At the heart of it was a need for a lot of cheap labor. Labor intensive agricultural work. And with that came dehumanizing Africans to justify continuing what they were doing. And at the time of the Civil War mechanization had developed and was developing to the point it was no longer justifiable from a strictly labor position. Yet the Southerners weren't going to be told what they could do with their property. By the way Europe and Latin America at that point had emancipated their slaves. The Southern U.S. was the anomaly much in the same way South Africa became the exception. To say they'd figure it out eventually is to say we'll let them go from this horrible practice when we're good and ready and not a moment before.

I personally feel that blacks today are being given every chance to be integrated into the greater culture and many are. There are those who are dependent but primarily because white liberals made them so for their votes. But in many of them I see a distrust of whites that likely will never leave them. And for good reason. When one acts abusive to me I know he assumes that I hate him or if I had the chance I would hurt him. It's frustrating, but I know from history why he feels that way. And I know it makes some whites angry, but I honestly believe the more inter marrying there is, the more mixed race we are, the less we'll have to deal with this. Probably another 100+ years away but already we're seeing a lot of mixing. We just need to get the drugs out of this country as much as possible, and instill the need for marriage. But we're on the way to a very different looking population. At some point things will be different than today, and today is a Hell of a lot better than 1861.


Well-Known Member
And do you know in the Americas who treated slaves much better? We're talking about slavery in the U.S. right? In much of Latin America slaves were allowed to earn money and buy their freedom. They often married into their master's family. The Catholic Church required that they be treated decently. Not that the Spanish and French always did. Haiti saw the most successful slave revolt in history. The Portuguese in Brazil were better at treating their slaves well. Reflected in the mixing there.

But I digress. In the U.S. slaves were often treated as subhuman. The owners tore families apart. They didn't give them an education. It was industrialized slavery. A far cry from how Paul said they should be treated. What went on in the States was indefensible and as thus evil to its core. At the heart of it was a need for a lot of cheap labor. Labor intensive agricultural work. And with that came dehumanizing Africans to justify continuing what they were doing. And at the time of the Civil War mechanization had developed and was developing to the point it was no longer justifiable from a strictly labor position. Yet the Southerners weren't going to be told what they could do with their property. By the way Europe and Latin America at that point had emancipated their slaves. The Southern U.S. was the anomaly much in the same way South Africa became the exception. To say they'd figure it out eventually is to say we'll let them go from this horrible practice when we're good and ready and not a moment before.

I personally feel that blacks today are being given every chance to be integrated into the greater culture and many are. There are those who are dependent but primarily because white liberals made them so for their votes. But in many of them I see a distrust of whites that likely will never leave them. And for good reason. When one acts abusive to me I know he assumes that I hate him or if I had the chance I would hurt him. It's frustrating, but I know from history why he feels that way. And I know it makes some whites angry, but I honestly believe the more inter marrying there is, the more mixed race we are, the less we'll have to deal with this. Probably another 100+ years away but already we're seeing a lot of mixing. We just need to get the drugs out of this country as much as possible, and instill the need for marriage. But we're on the way to a very different looking population. At some point things will be different than today, and today is a Hell of a lot better than 1861.
haiti had the ONLY successful slave revolt in history

i think america had the most vicious slavery in the world
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