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Binge Poster
Question BCers,

If God were to answer the same question in 2 opposite ways to 2 of His professed followers then by this example is it a necessary conclusion that this would make God a liar, in this example?


Binge Poster
You've certainly proved that.

El Correcto

god is dead
Only God can have perfect knowledge.
Clearly you haven’t been reading my posts.

Look at all the Ivy League schools. The great European universities. All started as Christian based schools. Western civilization is based on Judeo-Christian beliefs. Religious leaders led the fight to end slavery.
Religion was not the driving force for anything of those things and in some cases goes against those things.
The Greeks and Romans became Christians. Enough said.
Ancient Greece never became Christian, Rome fell shortly after and Christianity, not homosexuality, was partly responsible.


Binge Poster
Clearly you haven’t been reading my posts.

Religion was not the driving force for anything of those things and in some cases goes against those things.

Ancient Greece never became Christian, Rome fell shortly after and Christianity, not homosexuality, was partly responsible.
Clearly you haven’t been reading my posts.
No I have not.
Religion was not the driving force for anything of those things and in some cases goes against those things.
Ancient Greece never became Christian, Rome fell shortly after and Christianity, not homosexuality, was partly responsible.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Time's magazine top 100 most influential people in the world. Dutch Parliament. Harvard. Hoover institute.
Atheist. Joined forces with Bertrand Russell, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Dawkins. All the "celebrity" atheist. She called for the elimination of religion entirely. Hitchens once described her as"The most important intellectual public figure probably ever to come out of Africa." WAS a big gun for atheism.
Was. 2023 she renounced atheism and that she had converted to a belief in God and christianity.
The infection @El Correcto has that God is only for the superstitious and the stupid, and if you really want to have brains you want to be over on the side of evolution, Ali punches big holes in the thinking that anybody who is intelligent cannot believe in the Creator.
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Well-Known Member
Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Time's magazine top 100 most influential people in the world. Dutch Parliament. Harvard. Hoover institute.
Atheist. Joined forces with Bertrand Russell, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Dawkins. All the "celebrity" atheist. She called for the elimination of religion entirely. Hitchens once described her as"The most important intellectual public figure probably ever to come out of Africa." WAS a big gun for atheism.
Was. 2023 she renounced atheism and that she had converted to a belief in God and christianity.
The infection @El Correcto has that God is only for the superstitious and the stupid, and if you really want to have brains you want to be over on the side of evolution, Ali punches big holes in the thinking that anybody who is intelligent cannot believe in the Creator.
There are very smart & very stupid people on both sides. Smarts have nothing to do with it.
John 6:37 All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out. 38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me. 39 This is the will of the Father who sent Me, that of all He has given Me I should lose nothing, but should raise it up at the last day. 40 And this is the will of Him who sent Me, that everyone who sees the Son and believes in Him may have everlasting life; and I will raise him up at the last day.” 44 No one can come to Me unless the Father who sent Me draws him; and I will raise him up at the last day. 45 It is written in the prophets, ‘And they shall all be taught by God.’ Therefore everyone who has heard and learned from the Father comes to Me.

El Correcto

god is dead
Ayaan Hirsi Ali.
Time's magazine top 100 most influential people in the world. Dutch Parliament. Harvard. Hoover institute.
Atheist. Joined forces with Bertrand Russell, Christopher Hitchens, Sam Harris and Dawkins. All the "celebrity" atheist. She called for the elimination of religion entirely. Hitchens once described her as"The most important intellectual public figure probably ever to come out of Africa." WAS a big gun for atheism.
Was. 2023 she renounced atheism and that she had converted to a belief in God and christianity.
The infection @El Correcto has that God is only for the superstitious and the stupid, and if you really want to have brains you want to be over on the side of evolution, Ali punches big holes in the thinking that anybody who is intelligent cannot believe in the Creator.
No she doesn’t and I am familiar with her. She was anti-Islam mostly, not purely atheist and she isn’t purely Christian either if you listen to her. She is more anti-woke and anti-Islam, more of a “cultural Christian” that panders to elderly white men like yourself and shares your fears of “wokeness”.

I think she is just pissy with the left for their pro-Islam and religious minority views than she is happy with Jesus.

“She concluded that upholding Judeo-Christian traditions was the most credible answer for the Western society to survive.[157] The essay generated criticism both from Christians, because it lacked any indication that Christianity is true, apart from it being culturally useful; and from atheists, "baffled" that she had failed to absorb what they considered materialist rebuttals of the Christian faith.”


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
No she doesn’t and I am familiar with her. She was anti-Islam mostly, not purely atheist and she isn’t purely Christian either if you listen to her. She is more anti-woke and anti-Islam, more of a “cultural Christian” that panders to elderly white men like yourself and shares your fears of “wokeness”.

I think she is just pissy with the left for their pro-Islam and religious minority views than she is happy with Jesus.

“She concluded that upholding Judeo-Christian traditions was the most credible answer for the Western society to survive.[157] The essay generated criticism both from Christians, because it lacked any indication that Christianity is true, apart from it being culturally useful; and from atheists, "baffled" that she had failed to absorb what they considered materialist rebuttals of the Christian faith.”
So you have been reading my comments. I thought your blockage was why you never responded...
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