how are alt lifestyles being forced into the mainstream?
i agree children are being sexualized. remember britney spears?
porn is everywhere. porn workers must be treated fairly. no borderline rape on sets. chris hedges covered it in 2 books i believe. what effect does centralized economic power
i agree about political corruption at all time highs. union rate and commie membership rate at all time lows. you can say what you like about communism (and i agree in part) but those commies sure knew how to fight fascists / employers and corrupt govts.
when are christians attacked?
racism has always been a problem. maybe theres been progress.
You're not familiar with gay marriage and with the transsexual explosion?
I'm talking about the placing of pornographic material in school libraries. The rise in child porn and child kidnappings.
Porn is everywhere. That doesn't make it legitimate.
Communism isn't a viable alternative and never will be.
Ask El Correcto about Christians being attacked. Our own DOJ/FBI has gone after Christians protesting abortion. Has gone after parents who protest at school board meetings. Has investigated conservative Catholic groups/members as a threat to the country.
Racism and racial strife aren't exactly the same. The Left sees racism as always white people treating minorities poorly. Racial strife is different racial groups attacking each other physically as well as rhetorically. That's not just black/white. That's black/asian. Black/Hispanic. A lot of racial animosity.