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Well-Known Member
So it’s useless basically for certain types of rock as well.
It should work fine for our purposes if the Earth is 6000-8000 years old. You can carbon date organic matter a lot longer so lets see the carbon dating of dinosaur skeletons and compare with ancient human skeletons.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
It should work fine for our purposes if the Earth is 6000-8000 years old. You can carbon date organic matter a lot longer so lets see the carbon dating of dinosaur skeletons and compare with ancient human skeletons.
Dinosaur bones are fossilized bone, all organic matter is replaced by mineral. It’s rock. They date the bones by the geological strata it’s found in.


Well-Known Member
Is the book of Job a myth?
Let me ask you. Who came first, Adam or Job? If Adam was created 8000 years ago then Job was considerably down the line. Were dinosaurs alive then? Have any dinosaurs been carbon dated to 5000 years ago? 7000 years ago? How did men with primitive weapons overcome carnivorous dinosaurs?

El Correcto

god is dead
I've personally come to the conclusion that much of the fantastical stories of the Old Testament are the mythology of the Hebrew/Jewish people. Every ancient culture had mythology. It's how men with primitive technology explained the world around them. The problem is many see literally everything written in the Old Testament as having originated from God himself and must not be questioned. Christians are under the New Testament.

As I've mentioned before if you look at the archeological record, as well as the mythology of other groups, there's evidence that what is now the Black Sea came to be when the Mediterranean broke through a narrow isthmus and flooded the region. There have been ancient villages discovered on the bed of the Black Sea. Furthermore when you look at carbon dating there's simply no way the Earth is 6000-8000 years old. If you've ever been to the Grand Canyon it's pretty obvious that it's much older than that. Dinosaur skeletons are in layers much older than human civilizations and there hasn't to my knowledge ever been any discoveries of human civilization or anything even predating civilization in those layers.

The Christian world is very divided and many don't believe things like dinosaurs and humans existed at the same time. That you think all Christians are this or that indicates to me you aren't familiar with just how divided we are.

Fairly recently there have been discoveries of huge meteor craters in Greenland under the ice that date to about 12,000 B.C. if I remember right. This is about the time of the Younger-Dryas period that occurred between ice ages. Believed to be the cause of the ice age that followed the Younger-Dryas. The Great Lakes are a result of the ice age carving up the land then leaving huge pools of water when the ice age receded. A lot of archeological evidence of huge floods in the Columbia River basin. And in what is modern Turkey there have been numerous sites dating to about 11500 B.C. The most prominent being Gobeki Tepe, a huge temple and dwelling site whose builders used technology far more advanced than the hunter gatherers who were believed to live in the area during that period. Carbon dating makes that site much older than the 6000-8000 years old that many evangelicals believe the Earth to be.

The thing is this is all putting pieces of a huge puzzle together. Those who sincerely believe every story of the Old Testament don't want the puzzle to be examined. Any questioning of the legitimacy of their beliefs gets them pretty upset.
Thanks for sharing this with me, I agree with most of this and am not sure about the rest of it but it seems plausible. Mainly the whole Grand Canyon and Black Sea thing, I’m not sure haven’t looked into it.
That being said I embrace Jesus Christ as the Son of God and believe he not only offers a path to salvation but also a better way to live on Earth. If everyone strove to practice the tenets of Christianity to the best of their ability we would eliminate war, poverty, abuse among other things. Humans are very flawed creatures. All of us. But I do know among the paths we can choose to follow Christianity is superior to what many are offering. And I also believe if God didn't want me to pursue knowledge wherever that may lead he wouldn't have given me a brain that scores high on I.Q. tests. I'm not the smartest guy around, but I'm smart enough to see some obvious flaws in many arguments.
I don’t think you’re dumb at all, me and you are from different eras. I’m from the information era, I’ve been bombarded by information my entire life, I have answers to basically all questions that can be answered in my pocket and have unfettered access to expert opinions that you would have to tune into tv to catch maybe 30 minutes of and I can listen to it for hours at anytime I please.

You’re being honest with me and I respect that.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Let me ask you. Who came first, Adam or Job? If Adam was created 8000 years ago then Job was considerably down the line. Were dinosaurs alive then? Have any dinosaurs been carbon dated to 5000 years ago? 7000 years ago? How did men with primitive weapons overcome carnivorous dinosaurs?
Bible says Adam.
Bible says nothing about Adam being created 8,000 years ago.
I told you all the Bible says about dinosaurs. When? I don't know but they were not extinct when Job walked the earth.
I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Dinosaur bones are fossilized bone, all organic matter is replaced by mineral. It’s rock. They date the bones by the geological strata it’s found in.
And dinosaur bones are found in strata dating back tens of millions of years.

I'm sure you're aware that the Americas used to have giant mammals like Africa does now. Why don't we now? Did you know a huge field full of large prehistoric mammals was discovered in Nebraska? All having died about the same time. Found with ash in their lungs and dated back 600,000 years ago. What happened then? The last eruption of the Yellowstone super volcano happened around 600,000 years ago. If it happened today life as we know it would end. A super volcano, called Toba, went off in what is now Indonesia 74,000 years ago. Using mitochondrial DNA it's been determined that there was a great reduction in the human population around that time. That eruption caused a 1000 year cool period that brought the worldwide human population down to an estimated 10,000 individuals. It's a theory, but based on an actual eruption and our own DNA that can be used to date mutations over time.


Well-Known Member
Bible says Adam.
Bible says nothing about Adam being created 8,000 years ago.
I told you all the Bible says about dinosaurs. When? I don't know but they were not extinct when Job walked the earth.
I don't know.
You are extrapolating those descriptions as dinosaurs. The Bible doesn't give a specific number but by counting back the genealogical years every estimate I've ever heard, and I've heard plenty, is 6000-8000 years with some saying possibly 9000 years.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You are extrapolating those descriptions as dinosaurs. The Bible doesn't give a specific number but by counting back the genealogical years every estimate I've ever heard, and I've heard plenty, is 6000-8000 years with some saying possibly 9000 years.

El Correcto

god is dead
This is why I appreciate vantexan going against the cult beliefs and didn’t wish to add to the amount of arguments he would be having over making his position that dinosaurs and humans didn’t exist at the same time.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
This is why I appreciate vantexan going against the cult beliefs and didn’t wish to add to the amount of arguments he would be having over making his position that dinosaurs and humans didn’t exist at the same time.
Keep stroking him. Maybe you guys can hook up.

El Correcto

god is dead
That’s how low my bar for respect in this thread.
If we can agree dinosaurs and humans didn’t live at the same time which any human with a shred of curiosity is able to learn in this day and age, we have stable foundation for a conversation.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That’s how low my bar for respect in this thread.
If we can agree dinosaurs and humans didn’t live at the same time which any human with a shred of curiosity is able to learn in this day and age, we have stable foundation for a conversation.
You're not capable of a stable conversation.


Well-Known Member
So if the Earth is at most 9000 years old, and man and dinosaurs co-existed during that time, then there would be a lot more documentation from ancient writings and art. Men would've have had an extremely difficult time surviving predatory dinosaurs as well as other mammals. It doesn't hold up under scrutiny.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
So if the Earth is at most 9000 years old, and man and dinosaurs co-existed during that time, then there would be a lot more documentation from ancient writings and art. Men would've have had an extremely difficult time surviving predatory dinosaurs as well as other mammals. It doesn't hold up under scrutiny.
What would be a good conclusion from your IF the earth is at 9000 years old?
How about...maybe it's older?
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