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Well-Known Member
Do you believe in the Genesis account of creation?
Have spent half this evening telling you I believe it's mythology. But I know where you're coming from because I've spent a lifetime seeing people questioned by those who believe they are 100% right. Can share 98% of their beliefs but that other 2% will get you cast into hell because they are never wrong.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Have spent half this evening telling you I believe it's mythology.
Sorry to hear this.

My point about the age of Adam one minute after God created him is that he wouldn't be a one minute old infant. God created him a full grown man. How old would he appear to someone who looked at him? 20-25 years old? Don't know, but no one would believe he was one minute old.
The rocks, trees, etc. All things were created at full maturity and beyond.. Could God make (create) a rock that could be dated 100 million years old. Uh..I'm gonna go with yes.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
That outta do it...


Well-Known Member
Sorry to hear this.

My point about the age of Adam one minute after God created him is that he wouldn't be a one minute old infant. God created him a full grown man. How old would he appear to someone who looked at him? 20-25 years old? Don't know, but no one would believe he was one minute old.
The rocks, trees, etc. All things were created at full maturity and beyond.. Could God make (create) a rock that could be dated 100 million years old. Uh..I'm gonna go with yes.
Why would he? Ah yes, to confuse modern scientists who would dare question the legitimacy of Biblical Creation with their research. It's all a plot you know. Those guys over there with their field of research, and those guys, and those guys, drip drip drip. It's all a plot to prove Christians wrong.

Which begs the question, why the emphasis on the Old Testament? We're under the New Testament now. Could literally only read the New Testament and be acceptable.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Why would he? Ah yes, to confuse modern scientists who would dare question the legitimacy of Biblical Creation with their research. It's all a plot you know. Those guys over there with their field of research, and those guys, and those guys, drip drip drip. It's all a plot to prove Christians wrong.
Did you leave the car running in a garage somewhere while you were living in it?
Which begs the question, why the emphasis on the Old Testament? We're under the New Testament now. Could literally only read the New Testament and be acceptable.
The Hebrew writer said it was written for our learning. I'll learn what I can from the greatest history book ever written.
I also learned this from the OT..“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever'' - Debt. 29:29


Well-Known Member
Did you leave the car running in a garage somewhere while you were living in it?

The Hebrew writer said it was written for our learning. I'll learn what I can from the greatest history book ever written.
I also learned this from the OT..“The secret things belong to the LORD our God, but the things that are revealed belong to us and to our children forever'' - Debt. 29:29
The Hebrew writer was writing to other Hebrews. How many Gentiles were reading Hebrew texts in that era?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
The Hebrew writer was writing to other Hebrews. How many Gentiles were reading Hebrew texts in that era?
All of them that had been converted to Christianity, if they read anything at all. That was the only text anyone had.
I'm a Gentile. I read it.


Well-Known Member
All of them that had been converted to Christianity, if they read anything at all. That was the only text anyone had.
I'm a Gentile. I read it.
You have the benefit of books collected together much later and printed in your language. The early Church had the benefit of Apostles and those the Apostles laid hands on and their letters(our books) that were copied and passed around. You didn't have to know the Old Law to become a Christian or grow in faith.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
You have the benefit of books collected together much later and printed in your language. The early Church had the benefit of Apostles and those the Apostles laid hands on and their letters(our books) that were copied and passed around. You didn't have to know the Old Law to become a Christian or grow in faith.
What's your point?
If they read, 99% could not, they read the OT, if they read anything at all. You just now bring up how first century converts were made to show why the OT is not important anyway? smh
You don't think the events in the OT would help one grow in the faith? The prophesies? You're sadly mistaken.

I wonder, as the new Gentiles were learning about Abraham, Issac and Jacob, etc., did the Apostles also teach them about the myth creation Moses wrote about. They probably debated why he would even bring it up again in Exodus 20:11 "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.''


Well-Known Member
What's your point?
If they read, 99% could not, they read the OT, if they read anything at all. You just now bring up how first century converts were made to show why the OT is not important anyway? smh
You don't think the events in the OT would help one grow in the faith? The prophesies? You're sadly mistaken.

I wonder, as the new Gentiles were learning about Abraham, Issac and Jacob, etc., did the Apostles also teach them about the myth creation Moses wrote about. They probably debated why he would even bring it up again in Exodus 20:11 "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.''
Why would Greeks and other Gentiles read Hebrew? Why would they be interested in the Torah? It's not like they could run to Barnes & Noble and buy a copy printed in Aramaic or Koine Greek. They read the letters copied and circulated among churches.

El Correcto

god is dead
You have the benefit of books collected together much later and printed in your language. The early Church had the benefit of Apostles and those the Apostles laid hands on and their letters(our books) that were copied and passed around. You didn't have to know the Old Law to become a Christian or grow in faith.
That’s debatable.
The whole New Testament is filled with only the words of the apostles.

El Correcto

god is dead
Exodus 20:11 "For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the LORD blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy.''

Don’t forget what the original point of this argument was, glad you circled back to it.
Dinosaurs and humans didn’t live on the planet at the same time.
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