

Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I don’t think it matters... but this one is really not that important.
I'll try another way.
What do you think matters and is important when it comes to the belief or practice concerning one's worship to God, their interpretation of the Bible, and what they believe the Bible teaches that would cause you to step up and say that it was/is wrong?


Well-Known Member
What sin would that be concerning one's belief or practice concerning their worship to God, their interpretation of the Bible, and what they believe the Bible teaches that would cause you to step up and say that it was wrong?
Worship of God? I just said Sin Would be something I most likely disagree with him on. He seems to have a pretty loose interpretation of what is or is not sin.

Are people who go to a church where they have instruments during worship going to hell?


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Worship of God? I just said Sin Would be something I most likely disagree with him on. He seems to have a pretty loose interpretation of what is or is not sin.

Are people who go to a church where they have instruments during worship going to hell?
Whose him? Integrity? I'm asking you. You deflect or you really don't understand the question.
Your new question for me has already been answered.
I'm thinking you don't want to answer again. I'll try yet another way.
Can someone sincerely believe something in the Bible that you don't believe God teaches in the Bible that would cause you to say to them, you are wrong.


Well-Known Member
I'll try another way.
What do you think matters and is important when it comes to the belief or practice concerning one's worship to God, their interpretation of the Bible, and what they believe the Bible teaches that would cause you to step up and say that it was/is wrong?
There’s quite a few things I think are main and plain the absolute unequivocal necessity of baptism for being saved is not one of them.


Well-Known Member
Whose him? Integrity? I'm asking you. You deflect or you really don't understand the question.
Your new question for me has already been answered.
I'm thinking you don't want to answer again. I'll try yet another way.
Can someone sincerely believe something in the Bible that you don't believe God teaches in the Bible that would cause you to say to them, you are wrong.
Yes, I’ve told you I believe your interpretation is wrong about the necessity of baptism to be saved. Give you a whole article that outlined what you’ve been taught as of Church of Christ member and you hit every button just like he said because that is how you were programmed. Almost like a robot.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Yes, I’ve told you I believe your interpretation is wrong about the necessity of baptism to be saved. Give you a whole article that outlined what you’ve been taught as of Church of Christ member and you hit every button just like he said because that is how you were programmed. Almost like a robot.
Are people who believe that baptism is for the remission of sins going to be lost?


Well-Known Member
Whose him? Integrity? I'm asking you. You deflect or you really don't understand the question.
Your new question for me has already been answered.
I'm thinking you don't want to answer again. I'll try yet another way.
Can someone sincerely believe something in the Bible that you don't believe God teaches in the Bible that would cause you to say to them, you are wrong.

What sin would that be concerning one's belief or practice concerning their worship to God, their interpretation of the Bible, and what they believe the Bible teaches that would cause you to step up and say that it was wrong?

Here’s a good one, do you think it’s a sin to post racist hateful bigoted memes as an act of worship? Would Jesus post these things? ( for the record I also find some them humorous sometimes. Because my flesh is just as weak as yours.)


Well-Known Member
Are people who believe that baptism is for the remission of sins going to be lost?
If you get baptized,and afterwards you do do a bunch of sinning , Do you need to get baptized again for the remission of your sins? Or just once good enough? And then you can just proclaim them with your tongue and ask for forgiveness?


Well-Known Member
So what subject that is taught in the Bible in worship, salvation, heaven, hell, that is a salvation issue besides sin?
Probably quarreling with another brother in Christ. I Certainly am not innocent.

23 Have nothing to do with foolish, ignorant controversies; you know that they breed quarrels.24 And the Lord's servant[a] must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, 25 correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth,26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Here’s a good one, do you think it’s a sin to post racist hateful bigoted memes as an act of worship? Would Jesus post these things? ( for the record I also find some them humorous sometimes. Because my flesh is just as weak as yours.)
It is a good one. You answered your own question. Today...

Is she hot?


She was nice looking lady. He did pretty good for his old ass.

Next time, if she wants to do something nice for me, she should just give me a blowjob!