

Well-Known Member
@BrownFlush I don’t think anything brownblob said there was hateful though. You post memes just straight up calling black people monkeys

And on top of that you take pride in your racism, making a point to even put it underneath your name. That is a little strange to me being that you’re so religious


Well-Known Member
I also find it hard to believe God would penalize us for a difference in interpretation of how much water is used for baptism

You guys are arguing about such minute details of interpretation, and saying you can go to hell for it. What about all the people who are good souls and believe in God and depend on others to interpret for them?

The Bible is not an easy book to read, as evident that some of you are smart and educated and well read people and still having discrepancies in interpretation.

With all the different denominations, and instances where people can’t even read for themselves and have to depend on others to trust for the right interpretation, it seems crazy to me to think God would punish good people for eternity for honest mistakes


Well-Known Member
@BrownFlush I don’t think anything brownblob said there was hateful though. You post memes just straight up calling black people monkeys

And on top of that you take pride in your racism, making a point to even put it underneath your name. That is a little strange to me being that you’re so religious

I also find it hard to believe God would penalize us for a difference in interpretation of how much water is used for baptism

You guys are arguing about such minute details of interpretation, and saying you can go to hell for it. What about all the people who are good souls and believe in God and depend on others to interpret for them?

The Bible is not an easy book to read, as evident that some of you are smart and educated and well read people and still having discrepancies in interpretation l.

With all the different denominations, and instances where people can’t even read for themselves and have to depend on others to trust for the right interpretation, it seems crazy to me to think God would punish good people for eternity for honest mistakes
Which is why it isn’t a main and plain item absolutely Required for salvation. Just because he believes it is does not mean I think he’s going to hell. I believe baptism is a great thing. and any honest Christian seeking discipleship would want to do it.


Well-Known Member
I also find it hard to believe God would penalize us for a difference in interpretation of how much water is used for baptism

You guys are arguing about such minute details of interpretation, and saying you can go to hell for it. What about all the people who are good souls and believe in God and depend on others to interpret for them?

The Bible is not an easy book to read, as evident that some of you are smart and educated and well read people and still having discrepancies in interpretation l.

With all the different denominations, and instances where people can’t even read for themselves and have to depend on others to trust for the right interpretation, it seems crazy to me to think God would punish good people for eternity for honest mistakes
You haven't figured out by now that God is trying to trip up people, make them work hard for their salvation? Judgement is about having every i dotted, every t crossed. What amazes me is people think they've got it right down to the minutest detail yet get offended if you point out they are doing things that God wouldn't approve of.


Well-Known Member
@BrownFlush I don’t think anything brownblob said there was hateful though. You post memes just straight up calling black people monkeys

And on top of that you take pride in your racism, making a point to even put it underneath your name. That is a little strange to me being that you’re so religious
If you look at one of us humans and try to measure us up against Christ, you’re gonna be disappointed in all of us. Our righteousness is like a filthy rag. if at some point in your life, you choose to be Christian search for Jesus.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
@BrownFlush I don’t think anything brownblob said there was hateful though.
Jesus is not in your heart. You carry the Bible around like a weapon. You only seek to argue not to leave people to Christ

Absolutely, we are commanded to attack people like you. You’re from the pit of Hell You’re exactly why you’re denomination that you hate to call denomination is dying.

You obviously don’t have enough human decency or Christianity to lead anyone to Christ who would want to go to heaven if you’re going to be there? I’m not worried about it A snake and a fraud

You don’t seek to lead anyone to Christ you only seek to argue. sad little pretend Christian with no life.

The pretend part is that you follow any of it you only read it and use it as a weapon. You follow none of it. You show no qualities of Christianity.

The ignorant is you that think you know everything. You will be one of the ones that he says he never knew you. Because you never knew him

Absolutely not but saying you have all knowledge just makes you a Pharisee. As well as we know who you really are a fraud. A hateful, racist, bigoted fraud A proud and boastful one too

Poor sad little man

That was my point. He is exactly like @Integrity Just the opposite way. He has no grace he has no mercy. He has no love. A bitter old fool, living with his Bible, pretending he has all the answers and only he is going to heaven.

His denomination teaches him only after baptism. Are You saved. Anything other than that and you’re going to hell

Sadly, biblical discussion with him is not edifying. It’s demeaning because that’s what he wants.

I agree 100% the issue becomes when someone is so belligerent that they call you ignorant or not a Christian because you don’t agree with them on 100% of their doctrine.

My friend, I agree with your first part, but you’re not Jesus you don’t exemplify Jesus you don’t exude Jesus you don’t act like Jesus. Please don’t embarrass yourself and pretend you are anything like Jesus., Just a wild statement coming from you. Any answer that you give me I would question because I know who you are. You will know them by the fruit and your fruit is rotten. To the core.

If you’re embarrassed for me, then I’m doing something right. You’re literally an embarrassment to humanity. You know scripture but you don’t know Jesus. It comes out of everything you do. Bigoted and hateful No grace, no mercy no love. You look at others just like the Pharisees that said they were glad they were not like those people. While being full of sin and hatefulness themselves
You are exposed my friend. You can live in your pretend world of biblical knowledge, You should really work on the grace and mercy part. Let God handle the sword. You’re not qualified.

You’ve been called out and rebuked now think about it. You don’t have very long left in this world to do so. I pray you get this right although my human nature says you won’t you’re too proud and boastful.

Are you saying that while looking into the mirror? Maybe there’s hope for you after all.

My point is your interpretation is meaningless because I know who you are.

It’s called discernment. Which isn’t really super hard when we can follow your actions here.

Listen, old man if you’re too senile to remember what you said that’s not my problem. Stick to the racist, memes, sexist comments, and bigoted memes You’re really quite good at those

So now you’re backtracking. Typical for a charlatan like you.

Wow, everyone better worry about The racist bigot @BrownFlush Interpretation of the scripture.


Get real dude. You have no credibility.
Nothing hateful see here.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
If you get baptized,and afterwards you do do a bunch of sinning , Do you need to get baptized again for the remission of your sins? Or just once good enough? And then you can just proclaim them with your tongue and ask for forgiveness?
After one becomes a NT Christian, (Getting into the Light)
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 8If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. -1 John 1:7-10
This is written to Christians.


Well-Known Member
After one becomes a NT Christian, (Getting into the Light)
But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin. 8If we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us. -1 John 1:7-10
This is written to Christians.
Do we cleanse every day from unrighteousness? Only to wake up and do the exact same unrighteous thing again the next day? Seems willfully disobedient.


Well-Known Member
Any denomination, what could they believe, teach, or practice that you would say to them,"You are wrong about this. The Bible teaches this is what is right."
There’s quite a few teaching the LGBTQ is just fine even letting them preach from the pulpit. There’s quite a few that say abortion is just fine.