Yes, I do.
But, I was hoping you would step up to the plate and enlighten me once again. God speaking to you directly and instructing you what he approves of and disproves of is quite the story. He's even told you the things he's changed his mind about.
I know this is a lie for a number of reasons. All which have been discussed and you have rejected before.
But, I ask you to really consider this. If God does not communicate to everyone like he does you, (he hasn't me or anyone I know), wouldn't that be unfair? I mean, if someone has heard you speak about conversations and revelations that you have with God, but they never hear the literal voice of God like you have, and they wait all their life, and it never happens and they die waiting. Those "religious writings" were never investigated by them because you constantly discounted them as writings of mere men. He is lost eternally because God never told him and he was never shown what he must do to please God.
Who is to blame? God spoke to you the way to heaven. But, not me? Wouldn't that make God a respecter of persons? I thought Jesus died for "all".