Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
Don’t you know the CIA took over Hollywood years ago? That TV you get your information from is telling you what they want you to know and think while also pacifying you. Why do you think they can totally change what people will accept in just a few years? Things that people would of never accepted just a few years ago are pushed as though it’s what everyone is wanting now. Sheep that want to belong think if everyone else thinks this or that then I better parrot what they are telling me. What has been told to us on TV that was a conspiracy is now coming out as fact and what they told us was fact is now being uncovered as a conspiracy. Do some research a good place to start is search “Operation Mockingbird“
I think it takes an attentive and balanced thinker to digest everything they are feeding us.Lol
What I see is conspiracy theory craziness being fed to people who are susceptible to conspiracy theory craziness.
Why do you and people like you get so worked up? I couldn’t care less what the “media” or “Hollywood” wants me to believe.
You are being manipulated to be in fear all of the time.
Wading through what is propaganda by who and what and what is real is a challenge to the concerned and informed(!??1?) citizen.
Everything that sounds like a conspiracy, isn't. Everything that sounds like it's crazy, isn't crazy.
Some have poked fun at others for being manipulated, only to be the ones who were manipulated.
History was taught to us the way the wanted us to see it, to deny that most of the news is given to us the same way is naive.
The passed couple of years has been an eye opener for many.