If you hadn't have gotten injured do you think you would have changed your unsafe habits?
Safety compliance, though boring as hell, is necessary.
It's necessary for a couple of reasons.
1: It cover UPS's, you know what.
2: It gives drivers/inside workers guidelines for safe behavior.
Sure it matters when something bad happens, but until then, it doesn't matter really matter to most people. You were right when you said the number one reason for safety compliance and a safety committee is to cover UPS's, you know what. The sad part about it is that it don't even do that. They go thought the steps but wont enforce it. Someone will win a law suit for enough cash and maybe then the company will take the steps nessary to protect its empolyees from harm.
I only can control my self and try to set a good example for others to follow. I don't joke about working safe and follow the metholds the best that I can. It all about your attitude!
The company preaches safety but, by God, don't let your SPORH go down or your overallow go up.
Working until 7:45 in an ice storm after giving away an hour and twenty minutes of work when drivers are laid off shows me UPS commitment to safety. It's just words and games. I can do whatever they ask of me. I can't guarantee I can do it safely.
We need a ruling from DS!
Isn't it Canada geese, not Canadian geese?
That's a good question. I guess as with all things, time changes things. But I guess we'll never really know. I mean, from where my head is at right now, I'd have changed, but I'm only here because I actually slowed down for the injury. Hmmmm?
Sorry but geese are not Canadian....They are Canada Geese.It is Canadian geese.
Sorry. A passenger car was passing another when he hit the UPS truck head on...He hit another UPS driver head on?? is that what your saying?? I saw the pix of that car,my nieghbor works in welme think he said it happened in Elliot!!
Sorry but geese are not Canadian....They are Canada Geese.
Actually, a single goose would be a Canada Goose. Two or more would be Canadian geese.
It's a Canada Goose (singular) or Canadian Geese (plural).We need a ruling from DS!
Isn't it Canada geese, not Canadian geese?