Safety Compliance.


our management team just talks the talk they do NOT walk the talk..... by any means if there is an injury it NEEDS to be reported!! our management team tries to intimidate folks into not filing an injury report, i SO think this is BS......if you get hurt then you should file an injury report!! they act like you are a criminal if you get hurt..... 19 and a half years injury free...but i still feel like ups only TALKS THE TALK!!


Well-Known Member
LOL ... Funny!

Could have a point...a single tourist from Canada versus a group of tourist from Canada.

Look ... there's a loony Canada tourist.
Look ... There's a group of loony Canadian tourists.

:scared: Look there's a flock of paste-y white Canadian tourist invading my beach in speedos....for cry'in out loud buy some board shorts at the local beach Wings outlet store.....:wink2:


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
hey my wifes a Canadian,and any time we "Wrestle"" I have to blow a whistle and drop a puck in the middle of the bed! lol lol lol


Well, I'm just glad Steve does not call himself "Steve the UPS dude"
I refuse to call him stud. :laughing:

As far a safety compliance goes; I think injuring yourself really does make you more aware of the bad habits you have. So, everyone go break a leg and become enlightened. (jk)
I was out for 6 months with a shoulder injury + surgery. It sucked and really did make me think about how to perform my duties in a safer way.
I really do think the safety training is helping to reduce time lost injuries. I know the training gets on everyone's nerves, including mine, but it does make you think.:wink2:


Hoopah drives the boat Chief !!
funny Heff, but they would still say you should of kept your eyes ahead of your work!! or better yet,,look sharp ,don't get cut!! lol


Well, I'm just glad Steve does not call himself "Steve the UPS dude"
I refuse to call him stud. :laughing:

As far a safety compliance goes; I think injuring yourself really does make you more aware of the bad habits you have. So, everyone go break a leg and become enlightened. (jk)
I was out for 6 months with a shoulder injury + surgery. It sucked and really did make me think about how to perform my duties in a safer way.
I really do think the safety training is helping to reduce time lost injuries. I know the training gets on everyone's nerves, including mine, but it does make you think.:wink2:
LOL on the dude part.


Well-Known Member
At your next compliance meeting, ask your supervisor this question..."why will UPS pay thousands of dollars to have me take tests and perform audits, and yet refuse to retrofit my P-800 with a 3 point seatbelt that will save my life in a collision?"

You wont get an answer, because the brutal truth is this; UPS's so-called "commitment to safety" is a scam. Your safety means nothing to them, and never will. The only thing UPS cares about is bare minimum compliance with OSHA regs to avoid paying fines. An injured or dead employee can simply be replaced with one who makes $10 an hour less, will be in progression for two years, and has less vacations to pay for.

This is an excellent point. At a safety meeting a year ago I presented a safety concern to have AED's in our building. We have probably about 1500 people working in our building.

The request was denied for liability reasons.

Yet when I talked with the chief safety officer with the fire department he was surprised that we did not have any and thought it was more of a liability NOT to have them.


hey Steve...I talked to that Sup in Columbia Center and she is willing to share her ideas but she needs an address. Too bad more employees can't "see" the big picture like you finally have. I know most times it seems like the company doesn't care but it takes communication and cooperation of both sides.


respect my authority
We just had a Tier 3 in our building. A guy pulled out to pass a car, directly into the path of one of our Brothers. He was doing 40 mph, who knows how fast the other guy was traveling. It took our center manager 15 minutes after arriving at the scene to approach our brother who was in a cruiser doing paperwork to see if he was OK!! Tell me...What are they REALLY concerned with?

How is he doing i havent talked to him for a couple days, i hope he is getting better. He was so lucky to have survived, we could have very easily lost another brother from another mother. Did you hear if driver of car was drunk?

Bad Gas!

Well-Known Member
We had a serious injury in our center in late December.One of our drivers tripped over a golf bag pkg that was on the floor and fell towards the open bulkhead door.He cut his arm very badly to the bone the door opening of a P-800.Apparently, over the years, this opening gets pretty dang sharp.He required several surgeries and still has some numb feelings in his fingers....He will be out 3-6 months for sure......It's good to learn from other centers injuries...Just a thought..


To Endeavor To Persevere
We had about the same thing happen with one of our older pkg cars a few years ago. It cut him open real bad. They shaved off the sharp edges on the bulk head doors of all of our older cars, so it would happen again to some one else. I couldn't believed how sharp they get just by it rubbing on the jam when you open and shut the door, so look sharp and don't get cut.


We had a serious injury in our center in late December.One of our drivers tripped over a golf bag pkg that was on the floor and fell towards the open bulkhead door.He cut his arm very badly to the bone the door opening of a P-800.Apparently, over the years, this opening gets pretty dang sharp.He required several surgeries and still has some numb feelings in his fingers....He will be out 3-6 months for sure......It's good to learn from other centers injuries...Just a thought..

True, but, it's better to learn about stuff like this before it happens. Hindsight is 20/20, ya know.