What was the industry standard when purchased versus what it became later? So then you had the volvo modified to meet todays industry standards as opposed to yesterdays industry standards? I sure hope you did I would hate to think you were a donut eating lip service giving safety advocate. Don't worry sober its not the first time I've seen this. The guy who screams the loudest about ups not caring about safety is often the guy who applies a double standard at home. He's the guy who all of a sudden discovers he can have a safe vehicle without modifying the old car at home.
you know tieguy, I can clearly see you are an intelligent fellow by the way you write. I may not agree with what you say, but I find my red pen's cap stays on when I read your posts as they are well constructed. But it is as if this a school debate and you were assigned the con side of the argument. As a debater, you have to argue whatever side of the argument you were assigned,even if you don't agree with that side, and you're doing an admirable job with the points (counter to soberups') that you are posting. But you're losing this battle.
To bring soberups' point home in regards to a three point seat belt, I suggest the following experiment. The next time you get in your personal car and put your seatbelt on , take the part that goes diagonally from your left shoulder to your right hip and put it behind you between your body and the seat. This can be done easily with no bodily discomfit. Now, buckle up, you now have a two point seat belt. Do it in the parking lot of private property like a walmart parking lot if you don't want to violate any traffic laws. Do you see how vulnerable you are in the event of an accident?