One problem with your argument. the politically uneducated voter is the one the democrats round up and bus into the voting stations at election times. The democrats own the politically uninformed voter.
Are you denying these people to vote?
Maybe thats your version, but I'm talking about those rural red state midwest towns where there incomes and benefits are low, jobs and factories left town, told their taxes will be raised at their modest income if a Dem' is elected, and told the boogy man is going to come into their home like the tooth fairy and take their gun away, told if there house is foreclosed they can't vote, told if they share the same name as a felon they can't vote, now why on earth would they vote republican? I'm thinking the rep's do a better job in wraping themselves up with an american flag an claim they're more patriotic.
Not to mention the lack of an appropriate number of voting machines in many highly populated urban districts leaving them out in the cold waiting hours to vote, denial of absentee ballots and faulty Diebold computers with CEO's that were active in the re-election of Pres Bush.
Just to a few problems with your argument

When are we going to start bashing Sarah again?....JK