Sarah palin


TIEGUY, LOOKS LIKE obama WON the debates. Also, check out all the polls giving obama big state by state leads. Time to wrwp this thing up. Oh and did you see Palin on Saturday night live? or with Katie Kuric? Stick a fork in McCain, He's done.

Mikey, you don't mind If I wait for the election do you?

And yes I have watched the attacks on palin by SNL and other news sources as the push is on to discredit Palin.

Meanwhile where is Joe? No stories about his boozing and whoring? No allegations about any of the kick backs he recieves? No family member of his apparently ever got pregnant out of wedlock? Imagine that.


Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
1st of the month today and all the Obama voters were looking for rides to the bank so they could cash "their" check and get drunk. One guy actually came up to us and asked us for a ride to the bank, and that was his reason. I had an out of town sup with me, and he was taken aback by the way people were behaving with their govt handouts. Lets hope they are still whacked by November 4th, so they will stay in bed where they usually are and stay away from the polls.


All I can say is your boy BUSH has been in charge the last 8 years and the country has gone to he#@ and it sounds like you want us all to reward John McCain with another 4 years of tax cuts for the rich and pray for a trickle down. That boat don't float nomore. Now you see why we want change and OBAMA 08?

I fall into the tax range that Obama defines as well below the rich line as you do. If Obama is elected your first tax increase will be when Obama allows the bush tax cuts to expire. Your second increase will be when he suddenly claims he did not realize the countries finances were worse then he previously thought and jacks our taxes up again.

Take some of the fire a jab at the message board angst out of your thought process and think long and hard about what an Obama presidency and a pelosi house would do to your hard earned money.

Get ready for the video "liberals gone wild"


Well-Known Member
1st of the month today and all the Obama voters were looking for rides to the bank so they could cash "their" check and get drunk. One guy actually came up to us and asked us for a ride to the bank, and that was his reason. I had an out of town sup with me, and he was taken aback by the way people were behaving with their govt handouts. Lets hope they are still whacked by November 4th, so they will stay in bed where they usually are and stay away from the polls.
Sounds just like a Republican, Pray for a "Trickle down" and pray Americans DONT Vote. When Democrats vote, Democrats win. You and Bush had your chance even with a Reublican congress and you all blew it. Where is Bush durring all this mess? Hiding? Bush has his tail between his legs and can't wait til the next three month pass. Bush could at least appolagise for this mess.


Well-Known Member
I fall into the tax range that Obama defines as well below the rich line as you do. If Obama is elected your first tax increase will be when Obama allows the bush tax cuts to expire. Your second increase will be when he suddenly claims he did not realize the countries finances were worse then he previously thought and jacks our taxes up again.

Take some of the fire a jab at the message board angst out of your thought process and think long and hard about what an Obama presidency and a pelosi house would do to your hard earned money.

Get ready for the video "liberals gone wild"
Well Tieguy, Your boy bush and his republicans ran the show the last 8 years and yes Republicans were in charge of the house and senate, Demz only took over 2 years ago.

If I didn't know any better I'd say you were proud of your republican record over the past 8 years. Have you watched the news lately? YES, Even FOX NEWS?

Bush's economic plan has been a disaster. Tax cuts for the rich and pray for a trickle down. Oh and just forget about everything else.

tieguy, and you still want me to reward another Republican with another 4 years? Look out your window tieguy, If you haven't allready jumped out.

The Republican con game doesn't work anymore. I know RUSH is still banging the drums but go to FOX NEWS and take a look at the latest polls.

OBOMA / BIDEN 2008 :happy-very:


Well Tieguy, Your boy bush and his republicans ran the show the last 8 years and yes Republicans were in charge of the house and senate, Demz only took over 2 years ago.

If I didn't know any better I'd say you were proud of your republican record over the past 8 years. Have you watched the news lately? YES, Even FOX NEWS?

Bush's economic plan has been a disaster. Tax cuts for the rich and pray for a trickle down. Oh and just forget about everything else.

tieguy, and you still want me to reward another Republican with another 4 years? Look out your window tieguy, If you haven't allready jumped out.

The Republican con game doesn't work anymore. I know RUSH is still banging the drums but go to FOX NEWS and take a look at the latest polls.

OBOMA / BIDEN 2008 :happy-very:

Perhaps you could enlighten us on which parts of Bushs economic plan you felt was a disaster?

If you're talking about the present finance mess then you have to go back to carter and clinton who loosened up the rules.

You also have to go back to Obama who used to sue banks who would not give out these sub primes.

You also have to give credit to Bush and McCain who tried to address the issue four years ago before it was a problem.

Whats your feelings on the coming tax increases you seem to keep avoiding that question? Have you done your homework yet to see how much more a year you will pay in taxes when the Bush cuts expire?

I really think you need to come clean instead of trying to get everyone here jerked up with the "your boy bush comments". If you're not the 10 year old kid you're presently acting like then perhaps you could actually try to defend Clinton creating this mess?


Sounds just like a Republican, Pray for a "Trickle down" and pray Americans DONT Vote. When Democrats vote, Democrats win. You and Bush had your chance even with a Reublican congress and you all blew it. Where is Bush durring all this mess? Hiding? Bush has his tail between his legs and can't wait til the next three month pass. Bush could at least appolagise for this mess.

You should ask where is Bill Clinton and ask why he is not apologizing for this mess.



Most Awesome Dog
Staff member
You should ask where is Bill Clinton and ask why he is not apologizing for this mess.
And Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank, and Obama, and Raines, and well the list is too long, of people who should be going to jail, instead of on break, again.

And I do not care that a democrat may get in, I just hope it isnt this one.


Well-Known Member
You should ask where is Bill Clinton and ask why he is not apologizing for this mess.
tieguy, President Clinton hasn't been in office for over 8 years and you want to blame the past 8 years of failed bush economics on a past President? Why not blame Reagan? or Bush Sr? I don't even get that?

Republicans were blaming the Democrat congress until they were informed the curent Dem Congress has only been there two (2) years.

BUSH jr could at least apoligise to the American people and OBAMA is going to have to clean up A HUGE Republican mess.

Seriously Tieguy, There's no getting around this one for the Republican party.



Well-Known Member
And Chris Dodd, and Barney Frank, and Obama, and Raines, and well the list is too long, of people who should be going to jail, instead of on break, again.

And I do not care that a democrat may get in, I just hope it isnt this one.
I THINK the problem with the Republican party today is your all praising the word of "RUSH LIMBAUGH" Everything Rush say's in the morning you all "DITTO" in all the forums and chat rooms. I don't have to tell you how bad off the Republican party is, JUST look around you. Even FOX NEWS is now saying OBAMA has 230 of the 270 electoral votes needed locked up. Have you guys seen the latest polls?

The Republican parties problem isn't OBAMA. OBAMA has this thing locked up.
Republicans are now going to lose house and senate seats. Democrats will have a Rock Solid MANDATE.

Seriously guys, Check your own state by state polls.


Well-Known Member
First of all sweetheart I do not have a boy. Second of all what? I find it difficult to understand how you people think I will be better off with a tax increase. Your boat don't float with me. You want to punish success with higher taxes and reward failure with lower taxes. That to me is just pitiful. BTW if you have been following any of my posts you have read that I am not casting a vote for McCain or B. Hussein. You go ahead and follow the sheep off the cliff that is your right.

Why you getting all uptight?....You keep making broad strokes by calling Obama's proposal a tax increase when it's simply a roll back on the Bush tax cuts. You do realize your an hourly union laborer (I'm assuming) so according to your statement your a failure. As far as punishing success, no, bringing them back to the same level playing field as the rest of us. How has this country's successful rewarded us "failures" (your words), with golden parachutes and layoffs.

Mikey, you don't mind If I wait for the election do you?

And yes I have watched the attacks on palin by SNL and other news sources as the push is on to discredit Palin.

Meanwhile where is Joe? No stories about his boozing and whoring? No allegations about any of the kick backs he recieves? No family member of his apparently ever got pregnant out of wedlock? Imagine that.

Tiety, SNL parodies both sides equally. You got to admit, Tina Fey is dead on playing Palin....Besides she is now the hottest thing going...politically that is.
Perhaps you can enlighten us on proven stories that Joe is an alchololic, a whore, and a dirty politician.......enquiring minds want to know:anxious:

1st of the month today and all the Obama voters were looking for rides to the bank so they could cash "their" check and get drunk. One guy actually came up to us and asked us for a ride to the bank, and that was his reason. I had an out of town sup with me, and he was taken aback by the way people were behaving with their govt handouts. Lets hope they are still whacked by November 4th, so they will stay in bed where they usually are and stay away from the polls.

All the Obama supporters are as you describe? Tell that to the single Mom with a baby who has been beaten by her red neck Republican NRA husband who doesn't pay a dime toward his own kid's livelyhood. Would you refuse her a ride?
The man your referring to probably doesn't have a bed, more like a cardboard box under a bridge of the interstate. Nice assertion of your view towards Obama supporters.

Perhaps you could enlighten us on which parts of Bushs economic plan you felt was a disaster?
Like it or not Tie, Iraq has weaken us militarily as well as the dollar dramatically. His tax cuts also a disaster mixed with outrageous spending, deregulation and immunity to greed.

If you're talking about the present finance mess then you have to go back to carter and clinton who loosened up the rules.
Lets go back further.......REAGON AND BUSH I, they originaters of doubling, tripling, quadroupling our Nat'l debt. Reagonomics, Trickle down, we got peanuts, thats how we ended up with a peanut farmer who inherited a failed plan to begin with. Clinton was able to hand off the baton in the black...the rest is history....a complete failure.

You also have to go back to Obama who used to sue banks who would not give out these sub primes.
Hey, your given Obama credit for something....thats a start.

You also have to give credit to Bush and McCain who tried to address the issue four years ago before it was a problem.
I like how you tie Bush and McCain are the same, I couldn't have said it better.

Whats your feelings on the coming tax increases you seem to keep avoiding that question? Have you done your homework yet to see how much more a year you will pay in taxes when the Bush cuts expire?
Most of us don't make over 250K so it won't effect us.
But it might be unavoidable if we don't end the Iraq debacle, Wall Street bailouts and possibly more future bailouts. There's always a disasterous clean up after a Republican Administration.

I really think you need to come clean instead of trying to get everyone here jerked up with the "your boy bush comments". If you're not the 10 year old kid you're presently acting like then perhaps you could actually try to defend Clinton creating this mess?
Here's my ten yr old impression......Clinton good
Reagon-Bush I and II bad

When Clinton was president my Mommy and Daddy had a job, the economy was good, but soon after Clinton left, Daddy was sent to Iraq and Mommy's lost her job that was shipped overseas. Then we lost our house because of somebodies ARM. What does an ARM have to do with mortgage mommy? Now we live in our car, but soon we can't afford that niether, cause gas is $4/per gal. I hope there's a new president soon Mommy unlike the one we have now.


Well-Known Member
BTW if you have been following any of my posts you have read that I am not casting a vote for McCain or B. Hussein.

:salute: To a good American!

You go ahead and follow the sheep off the cliff that is your right.

If enough sheep would go over the cliff, maybe we could finally live our lives without someone else always trying to force others to live like they do. Also there'd be plenty of gas and no more foreign oil needed and probably such a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions the global warming problem would go away too. I love killing 2 birds with one stone!

Authoriterianism is both a disease of the right (republicon) as well as the left (demonrat).

Fly the real Flag AV



Well-Known Member
Why you getting all uptight?....You keep making broad strokes by calling Obama's proposal a tax increase when it's simply a roll back on the Bush tax cuts. You do realize your an hourly union laborer (I'm assuming) so according to your statement your a failure. As far as punishing success, no, bringing them back to the same level playing field as the rest of us. How has this country's successful rewarded us "failures" (your words), with golden parachutes and layoffs.

Tiety, SNL parodies both sides equally. You got to admit, Tina Fey is dead on playing Palin....Besides she is now the hottest thing going...politically that is.
Perhaps you can enlighten us on proven stories that Joe is an alchololic, a whore, and a dirty politician.......enquiring minds want to know:anxious:

All the Obama supporters are as you describe? Tell that to the single Mom with a baby who has been beaten by her red neck Republican NRA husband who doesn't pay a dime toward his own kid's livelyhood. Would you refuse her a ride?
The man your referring to probably doesn't have a bed, more like a cardboard box under a bridge of the interstate. Nice assertion of your view towards Obama supporters.
DIESEL, You took the words right out of my mouth. Great post. :happy-very:


tieguy, President Clinton hasn't been in office for over 8 years and you want to blame the past 8 years of failed bush economics on a past President? Why not blame Reagan? or Bush Sr? I don't even get that?

Republicans were blaming the Democrat congress until they were informed the curent Dem Congress has only been there two (2) years.

BUSH jr could at least apoligise to the American people and OBAMA is going to have to clean up A HUGE Republican mess.

Seriously Tieguy, There's no getting around this one for the Republican party.


Do your homework on real world things instead of the obama web page. Your boy Clinton created this mess when he loosened up the lending rules. Perhaps he was distracted by the interns in the office at the time.


I THINK the problem with the Republican party today is your all praising the word of "RUSH LIMBAUGH" Everything Rush say's in the morning you all "DITTO" in all the forums and chat rooms. I don't have to tell you how bad off the Republican party is, JUST look around you. Even FOX NEWS is now saying OBAMA has 230 of the 270 electoral votes needed locked up. Have you guys seen the latest polls?

The Republican parties problem isn't OBAMA. OBAMA has this thing locked up.
Republicans are now going to lose house and senate seats. Democrats will have a Rock Solid MANDATE.

Seriously guys, Check your own state by state polls.

And the problem with your party is you vote for whomeever Oprah tells you to vote for. Thus you have someone who sat on his rear in congress doing nothing now running for president.


Tiety, SNL parodies both sides equally. You got to admit, Tina Fey is dead on playing Palin....Besides she is now the hottest thing going...politically that is.
Perhaps you can enlighten us on proven stories that Joe is an alchololic, a whore, and a dirty politician.......enquiring minds want to know:anxious:

teity? Typo or some kind of bizarre slur?

SNL has always been extremely biased against republicans . You must really live in some kind of Vaccuum if you think they are balanced.


Well-Known Member
Why you getting all uptight?....You keep making broad strokes by calling Obama's proposal a tax increase when it's simply a roll back on the Bush tax cuts.

Again with this. How can you not understand when you end a tax cut that is the exact same thing as an increase in taxes? If you really want to roll back to a tax level let's go all the way back to the beginning with a 10% top rate. If we use your warped logic that would not be a tax cut. Since you are only opposed to tax cuts you would then have nothing to complain about. I am sure we would hear lots of crying from you and your liberal friends if the government actually did something to help all citizens and encourage liberty.



Well-Known Member
And the problem with your party is you vote for whomeever Oprah tells you to vote for. Thus you have someone who sat on his rear in congress doing nothing now running for president.

Better to have Oprah tell the country who she supports than have a pill popping erectile deficient republican conservative mouthpiece of a magget in Rush Lindbaugh tell your party who to vote for.

teity? Typo or some kind of bizarre slur?

SNL has always been extremely biased against republicans . You must really live in some kind of Vaccuum if you think they are balanced.

Tie-ty......response to calling mikestrek, Mikey.....anyway
SNL parodies both sides (go check it out for yourself), just so happens republicans have just been feeding SNL with better material lately. Remember the Clinton days ?.......don't forget, its a business, and there out to make money and ratings.......

Again with this. How can you not understand when you end a tax cut that is the exact same thing as an increase in taxes? If you really want to roll back to a tax level let's go all the way back to the beginning with a 10% top rate. If we use your warped logic that would not be a tax cut. Since you are only opposed to tax cuts you would then have nothing to complain about. I am sure we would hear lots of crying from you and your liberal friends if the government actually did something to help all citizens and encourage liberty.

Lets us know when your done flying around Wall Street after your Union day job in you cape, mask and tighty whities with a big S on your chest as the superhero protecter of the super wealthy. Lets call it for what it is, a benefit reverting back to the pre-Bush II era.

Regarding President Bush's 2001 tax cut package, which overwhelmingly benefits the rich and contributed to the transformation of the budget surplus into a deficit. I cannot with my so called "warped logic" support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans who need tax relief. Why of all people, you, a middle class unionworker, support a faction acknowledging


Well-Known Member
Regarding President Bush's 2001 tax cut package, which overwhelmingly benefits the rich and contributed to the transformation of the budget surplus into a deficit. I cannot with my so called "warped logic" support a tax cut in which so many of the benefits go to the most fortunate among us at the expense of middle-class Americans who need tax relief. Why of all people, you, a middle class unionworker, support a faction acknowledging

Please tell me you know this is false. You do know by now this is false right? The tax burden has shifted farther to the rich with the Bush era tax cuts. I know you understand this so why do you keep trying to tell me otherwise? You know by now that I would never vote for your champion B. Hussein. I cannot for the life of me understand why you keep trying to tell me that a tax increase is in fact a tax cut and this nonsense that the rich are somehow paying a smaller share of the tax burden with the Bush era tax cuts that benifited mainly the middle class. I could do like you and just start saying things like you must hate the middle class but I am growing tired of that. Here check this out.

"The latest IRS data show that the share of the income tax burden borne by the top half of tax filers continues to rise and now stands at 97.01 percent," said JEC ranking Republican member Rep. Jim Saxton in a press release. “The tax shares of the top 1, 5, and 10 percent of taxpayers ranked by income are the highest in many years. The share of the bottom half of tax filers has fallen to a level of 2.99 percent."

As a group, Americans whose incomes are in the top 5 percent are footing an increasing share of the national income tax burden. People in the bottom half, on the other hand, are paying only a fraction of the total take.

Let's all face it. Your progressive income tax is one of the most ridiculous things we have in this country. There is no way you can possibly think that rich people are not paying their share when they saddle the majority of the burden.

"Those in the top quintile paid 24.5 percent, the top 10 percent paid 25.2 percent, the top 5 percent paid 26.1 percent, and the top 1 percent paid 28.2 percent. Thus, those at the top paid about two and a half times more than those at the bottom. "

"One would think that those on the left would be happy about this trend. Instead, they constantly demagogue the wealthy as deadbeats unwilling to bear their "fair share" of the tax burden, and berate the Bush tax cuts for having "slashed" taxes for the wealthy while the rest of us pay more. As is so often the case, the truth is exactly the opposite of that portrayed in the liberal worldview."
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