I was thinking about it the last couple days.
I am not going to pass judgement until I actually see how it's written in the proposal.
We already have air drivers that work at a reduced rate to deliver packages. Air or not, they are still packages.
I'd rather have UNION UPS part timers delivering like an air driver, than have UBER UPS people delivering.
There has to be language that will hurt UPS if they use these to replace FT driver bids.
Language is also needed to increase FT drivers when volume increases, not just hire and increase this "second class".
Maybe 1 for every 10 routes on the road (just made up the number)
Maybe after 250 delivery hours, these guys get FT bids with no progression
Maybe they get FT rate if they deliver more than 4 hours, by the clock not some Orion made up number.
All these scenarios are made up but there are ways to work it and protect union work and FT driver jobs.