You and I could survive if everything electronic disappeared. I agree with all that you said. The only thing I do on the internet is my blog, emails and this weirdly addictive café.Stug,
What I got out of it is how computer illiterate I am. I am not a member of the blackberrys, the my spaces, the facebooks, etc. This new age has passed me by.
I'm satisfied just knowing there's a big hole there.....I don't need to go down into it !!
Check this out Scratch!
Years ago, my wife and I were serious sport cavers and we enjoyed the vertical stuff. I recently ran across a YouTube piece called Bouncing Golondrinas which is a 1200 ft. open air pit in Mexico. Seems someone fitted themselves with a camera to take us along for the ride. Enjoy the drop!
ON Belay!
YouTube - Bouncing Golondrinas
What the???I'm going to have to try this someday.
Dailymotion - Pop Corn téléphone portable micro-ondes - une vidéo Actu et Politique
Poor Jeffrey! Hope he doesn't forget to take his psoriasis medicine,
That's all well and good, but there is a problem. When you open the banana from the stem side you have a nice clean banana to start eating. If you open it from the other side, you have to pinch of the first little section that my wife and I call the bananus. You know, that little black part at the "bottom" of the banana?bananas
I'd love to take credit for that word, but the wife and I were watching standup on Comedy Central and heard a female comedian do a whole spiel about the bananus.OK Stug, I vote for you & the wife to start a new urban slang dictionary....that was funny !!![]()
That's all well and good, but there is a problem. When you open the banana from the stem side you have a nice clean banana to start eating. If you open it from the other side, you have to pinch of the first little section that my wife and I call the bananus. You know, that little black part at the "bottom" of the banana?![]()