I started in Lemont Furnace, PA. I was quickly adopted and moved out of 'coal country' to Akron Ohio. TV was black & white. We had phones, but party lines.....meaning we shared with others. Cars were built like tanks !! No seat belts. Families gathered at each other's homes for adults to play cards and cousins to play games or just catch lightening bugs.
School was nuns and everybody paid attention or else! I was among the tallest in my class...only the Shuff twins were taller and we could be found in the back row of every school picture K-12. Mom cooked real meals and once in a great while, when dad was out of town, we would try one of those new fangled Swanson TV dinners....which I thought were totally cool!
We went swimming at a lake park and had a yearly membership.....which we could only use in summer months. I loved the water, but hated the sun. Swam all the time and rested beneath the shade of trees. We basically respected our elders, but weren't beyond mumbling under our breath.
Went to an all girl H.S. and hubby went to an all boy H.S.....both Catholic. We were married quite young and no one thought it would work......Sept. 9th it'll be 43 years.
That's the short story of me.