Any chance you could provide a link to that ?
I've had people confuse contractors, with UPS sleeper teams.
Well, most of the various feeder Facebook pages are by invitation only, so I'm not posting pictures off any pages I'm involved with here. But if you work in a hub of any significant size, I encourage you to go talk to some of the drivers. They'll be more than glad to talk to you about it. From what I've seen and heard, this is happening all over the country, particularly in the big hubs.
And there is no mistaking a gypo from a sleeper team. UPS sleeper rigs are required to have a company ID on the doors of the tractor. Driving down the highways at night, say a 9.5 turn, I see way too many of our trailers being hauled by gypos. I know some MAY BE Coyote pulling one of empties to go get a Coyote load. And I'm not against Coyote using an empty UPS trailer to pull non-bargaining work. But all we have to do is get the trailer number and ask a dispatcher where it came from. And more often than not, it is coming off a sort from one of our hubs. This is unacceptable.
Look, I absolutely don't ever want to go on strike again. But it is our last tool in the bag. Subcontracting, if continued, will eventually break us. We all know how UPS operates. If they can get away with it, it will only grow. Something needs to be done.