SPORH Harrassment

Wow too easy
Massage your load happens when drivers get a 3 day ride. You haven't driven so you wouldn't know. Yes they want you to follow methods when it benefits them. Look for sequence numbers and 30/60 in selection are. Would be nice if Preload supervisors trained preloaders properly instead they worry about just getting it in the truck. Brisk walk pace is a matter of opinion and if you had to do the job every day you would have a different opinion but if your truly a Center Manager you wouldn't know.
Force you out of compliance only when they ride with you because they want to di*k with you. Sounds about right until they want to right you up for being out of compliance.
Force you to ignore your customers and let FedEx take the business. No more driver marketing. Makes a lot of sense because the reality is, they pay your salary also.
NO the Union does not recognize 3 day ride, they don't recognize your standards.
He wasn't pissing and moaning about anything. He does the job or he wouldn't be driving. You should get off you a** and go try to do it and demonstrate for 3 day perfectly, you can't.

On my 3 day ride....they had two preloaders in my truck.......loaded stop for stop!....they took two bulk stops off of me! Only had "my stuff".no extra sections................the route that they always cut.was in...and I didnt have to take, a hit from a bulk pickup!...I have no clue why I. did an extra (.39). stops per hour with a boss..........what a pile of crap!


Well-Known Member
On my 3 day ride....they had to preloaders in my truck.......loaded stop for stop!....they took two bulk stops off of me! Only had "my stuff".no extra sections................the route that they always cut.was in...and I didnt have to take, a hit from a bulk pickup!...I have no clue why I. did an extra (.39). stops per hour with a boss..........what a pile of crap!
I agree with you that was my point. Some suck A** who skips their lunch and breaks and doesn't follow the rules, makes those of us who do look bad and some dirtbag center manager who can't drive that's why he does what he does critique me. I call BULLS^*T.
I agree with you that was my point. Some suck A** who skips their lunch and breaks and doesn't follow the rules, makes those of us who do look bad and some dirtbag center manager who can't drive that's why he does what he does critique me. I call BULLS^*T.

We had another driver.that got a 3 day ride, for a second time in one year. his stops per hour went down buy over a stop per hour. they said we are not going to use your new numbers! WTF...This company worries about everything...except the right things! Work as directed and show me the money!


Well-Known Member
We had another driver.that got a 3 day ride, for a second time in one year. his stops per hour went down buy over a stop per hour. they said we are not going to use your new numbers! WTF...This company worries about everything...except the right things! Work as directed and show me the money!
its work as directed and falsify when it benefits them


We had another driver.that got a 3 day ride, for a second time in one year. his stops per hour went down buy over a stop per hour. they said we are not going to use your new numbers! WTF...This company worries about everything...except the right things! Work as directed and show me the money!
They only get one ride in a twelve month period.


Wow too easy:

Massage your load and walk on your heals - You mean he/she is making you use the methods - look for Sequence number, use 30/60 inch selection area, brisk walk pace

(Force you out of compliance) you are now ahead of your pick up schedule cause you haven't been di>>ing around all day. You either get more work or start pickups early.

(Force you to ignore the same customers you see everyday), Attract immediate attention - Get signature and leave, quit talking about non-work related things

(Where's your next stop) - Another method, know your next five stops - Delivery stop or stops, pick up, On Call Air, Call Tag - DIAD and EDD has made people lazy, they have to look at the DIAD after every stop.

If you are doing all the above, no labor guy will touch a case if you are within 15 minutes of same time everyday, but if your SPORH is up over 3 days (yes the union recognizes the 3 day ride) then you better start working like there is a supervisor in the jump seat everyday.

So if you are gonna piss and moan about the job at least know how to do the job because by your comments above.. you do not.

Hope you improve on your methods:peaceful:
Blah, blah, blah. Those methods were done without saying. You missed the point. Its really hard to train management to see/hear what is reality.
Think back and maybe you will remember the "Atta boy" letters we used to get back in the 90s and for some yrs up to the strike that said "be sure to maintain a good relationship with XXX company" after you took their shipping volume away from a competitor.
Maintaining a good relationship with people takes a little more effort than shoving a DIAD in their face so they can have the sense of urgency that you have.

Your attitude is one of the reasons thousands of hourly didn't cross the strike line in 95. Out of touch with the real world and preload issues we drivers deal with daily. We fix your screwed up dispatch daily and break off to service the pickups you forgot to dispatch when you cut a route 15 min before start time.
We sort your butchered edd on our personal time and make your blown up standards look reasonable.

We make ups what it is despite you and your out of touch PDS's et al. If the company relied on people with your attitude the BD dept would have to be two to three times larger to recoup the business you drove away. Yep, you're in control. Fools gold.


All Trash No Trailer
Piss on all that bunk, it's just noise. Grieve any and all discipline, push the ball back in thier court, they'll drop it as usual when forced to actually defend these garbage write ups. Give a call to Matt H. Down at the hall, he'll tell you the same thing.
Matt is a GREAT BA!


Package Car is cake compared to this...
No, I'm done. Island made some good points and I will let you guys try to discredit those points.

Island lives in a world where there are no clouds in the sky, where trust is a given and if your lips are super-glued to management's ass, your lenses remain rose-colored.

"your spc will be adjusted--Whats right is right."

Haha, that's spoken like a true lamb.

I have no idea what Wonderland you live in, but it's a lot different from what the rest of us live in.

And you think management, out of the generosity of their hearts is going to adjust your loads because you filed a 9.5 grievance?

You've never actually held a grievance in your hand, have you?

It's men people like you who give all good Teamsters a black eye.

Pathetic, simply pathetic.
Island lives in a world where there are no clouds in the sky, where trust is a given and if your lips are super-glued to management's ass, your lenses remain rose-colored.

"your spc will be adjusted--Whats right is right."

Haha, that's spoken like a true lamb.

I have no idea what Wonderland you live in, but it's a lot different from what the rest of us live in.

And you think management, out of the generosity of their hearts is going to adjust your loads because you filed a 9.5 grievance?

You've never actually held a grievance in your hand, have you?

It's men people like you who give all good Teamsters a black eye.

Pathetic, simply pathetic.


No It's not green grocer!
You know what I always wonder? Management always says no one massaged your load for these ride days. If that is in fact the case, why does the preload get notified prior to every ride? They have nothing to do with running the center, why do they need to know who is getting a lock in ride and when if its not to massage the load?


Man of Great Wisdom
You know what I always wonder? Management always says no one massaged your load for these ride days. If that is in fact the case, why does the preload get notified prior to every ride? They have nothing to do with running the center, why do they need to know who is getting a lock in ride and when if its not to massage the load?

If they can give you a good load on ride day why can't they be bothered to do it all year long?


New Member
Im a reg temp driver . As a jumper i get 10 per hour . Under the new contract some say ill get reg temp pay for jumping is this try if so what about the past few weeks ive been jumping w.ill i get back pay