Better check with some Local 804 Arbitrations that Ups Package Drivers LOST their jobs for Believing people like Dracula --cloudy days --sunny days whatever.
I do not always agree with Upstate ---If you can look in the mirror and the person you see in there is truly giving a great work day in exchange for great pay and benefits --relax --you are fine.
In Dracula's demented world --He actually believes that this applies to 100% of Union Brothers.
It is childish and not the REAL world ---Everyone knows at least one lazy slacker.
I believe the 80 -20 concept does not apply to UPS. From my three decades of experience --on "BOTH" sides of the fence ---I truly know that 90% of UPS people are Honest and VERY hard working---That here is about 10 percent --the loudest --have to be dealt with --- for everyones job and security----Just a true FACT ----unless you drink too much Kool aid and wear rose colored glasses and do not live in or recognize basic human nature and the REALITY of the world.
For the union reps that agreed with Dracula just because you have some "vendetta" against Upstate --shame on you --You know the job ---sure there are some Management Jerks ---but you honestly know --there are some drivers you represent are lazy low -lifes. For a Steward to deny this --you may actually hurt someone --with VERY bad advice !!
AH my demented world. Never heard that before. Hahaha.
Nothing applies to 100% of union brothers. You are proof of that.
Yes, I know plenty of slackers. They sit in their offices doing everything they can think of to justify their jobs. Good thing guys like you come along to make them believe they are on the right track. You make their jobs so much easier.
Childish and not the real world? Hmm. I'm in feeders. Childish and acting like you're not in the real world can cause serious problems for the driver and everyone around said driver. In package car, you've got a little more leeway concerning safety than you do in feeders, but the the pressure and the unrealistic expectations are more intense in the Buster Browns. I've not forgotten that fact.
But the fat guys and the sweaty guys still deal with the same management system.
The management system that commands dictates from a comfortable perch, is high above the "real world". The same system that takes over ten years and over a billion dollars of shareholder's money on a system that still doesn't do what it was intended to do, and it's best result, was to tell the media that, "Our drivers do not make left turns anymore."
Save miles? Only the drivers do that. They do it on their own. The only time Orion might help is when they get a common sense dispatch. And how many years ago was that?
Look at it anyway you'd like, but all driver expectations come from Wall Street, in one way or another. Some shill in his $5000 suit writes a number down on a memo, and passes it on down--yes, down--the line. That number is to be obeyed, worshiped and ultimately, carried out.
No matter what it does to the daily operations. Every suit on this forum knows this for a fact.
If I had a nickel for every time a sup told me, "I don't know why, I don't understand it, just DO IT!", the foundation of my house would have sunk 5 feet from the weight.
I relied in this thread: about how UPS no longer requires driver sups, whether it's in PC or feeders to have any driving experience. Now, in my opinion, this is smart from a management in that they create a blind barrier between the driver and his sup. In my feeder department, all of our on-road sups came from the hub, dispatch or off the street. But don't worry, they know everything.
A sup without experience doesn't question an order from above, because he has little clue on what the consequences of such an order might entail.
This is ideal from an upper management perspective.
In the past, the sups who had driving experience had a good idea what could work and what couldn't. Those days are gone. Now some Wall Street schmuck has as much power what happens as anyone in operations. Maybe not on an everyday basis, but in the bigger picture? There is no doubt.
And because some of these fine stewards agree with me? You got it backwards, pal. They don't agree with me anymore than I agree with them. We are just on the same page. We understand we DO do a good job. We understand that our work is very consistent, and that we just refuse to shuck and jive to an ever moving target. We understand that if we file a grievance because a supervisor gives us direction that could obviously have negative implications, whether that is safety, customer dissatisfaction or violates our rights.
It is never easy, but standing up for yourself pays long dividends. Even if that is Greek to you.
And who has a vendetta against Upstate? I don't. So what if someone calls him Nancy? I don't hate anyone here, but if you think I'm--and many others--are going to stand quietly while some condescending know-it-all tries to push others around with his opinions, well, sir, you are sadly mistaken.