I realize threads can get off topic --I am also guilty.
The main point of this tread was SPOR harassment ----Simply stated if you are doing the job ----you can easily stop the Harrassment .
If you are a slacker ---one way or the other --it will eventually be worked out.
Now off topic --just depends on where you are in life. I am a 36 yr of Service -retired ups'er.
"Older Drivers"--Upsers and Teamsters --always told me how tough the job was --when they were out there--long days --furniture deliveries --paper delivery records with carbon paper--wet frozen ink pens -leaving the barn every day because the belt to bin to car preload always ended late --dispatched with "piece count" loads --four to five hundred packages --crushed into a p400 with net-edge load packages in the front --and orange bulk cards for all the bulk out of the back.
P400's with piss in the safes --that you had to collect thousands of dollars in singles for COD'S---paper yellow call tags, paper one shots --never counted in stop total-paper driver tracers --same OJS and over supervision ---with real supervisors who drove for many years--long wool pants in the hot muggy summers--scheduled "fur call" pickups and Saturday specials in many areas --guilty till proven innocent --dopey mgrs. --with the power to fire or suspend immediately --a union that was slow to spend money on lawyers and arbitration --no grievance panels --They could go on and on and on. Lower pay and less benefits etc etc
I always listened with respect. I was always thankful they passed on a profitable solid Company that provided me with a job with good pay and benefits.
I never referred to them as "relics"
When some of you retire -- --you will see it the same way.
When Drivers are complaining about "beaming" their deliveries and how sore it makes their thumbs ---calling you "relics" and "out of touch" "Do not know how hard it is to work at UPS.
Never DISRESPECT the older --wiser --been there done it Retired UPS'er ---It will be you one day --No doubt about it !!!
Thank you to all the hard working UPS people of today for allowing me to continue to enjoy my retirement ---you too TOS !!
The term "RELIC" is used not to describe you personally, but your thought process about the way UPS is operated. The word "RELIC" comes from the latin Reliquiae, meaning "remains"
or something left behind.
Your experience, while honorable during "your" time, no longer applies to todays UPS. Going back into the way back machine and trying to use the methodology of that time to todays UPS is not practical, so, your experience has been "left behind".
SPOHR is an issue that is not calculated properly in todays UPS, nor is it a factor that can be used successfully to determine a fair days work from the comfort of a tiny office at the center looking at mapquest.
Just because on a map all the streets look tight doesnt mean they can all be delivered within the same time parameters. On one side of the street I can have a pure DR area and across the street I will have signature only condos with 4 flights of stairs and long walks because I have to park up to 100 yards away yet, someone in IE will believe that I can make the stops in the same time. They make a calculation on spohr based on these false numbers and then wonder why you can hit them at the end of the day.
Then, the "OJS" is scheduled because as a driver, I must be doing something wrong, only to find out at the end of the day that the spohr has to be reduced.
If those knuckleheads who make these calculations actually had to get on car, we would see a different UPS, but then again, they wont, because that would mean more cars and drivers in the longrun, so instead, they just pay the excessive overtime and injure and wear out the drivers.
Todays UPS isnt your experience Island. You did your time and I imagine honorably. Its your perspective that has been left behind, not your service.
Today, the operation is so jacked up its not even funny. In todays UPS, they dont even bother to teach 3/40 methods anymore. Not even the supervisors know what that even means. Today, we have to search the ENTIRE car just to find one package at times. We have to reach beyond the 30 inches to find all the pieces to a multi piece stop on any given shelf. Some could be in postion, some could be on the shelf below, some on the floor, some in the isle, some at the rear. Either way, DELAY DELAY DELAY is the way we do business today while some geek sits at a desk wondering why the day went 11.45 paid.
I am sure, as a veteran, coming into this system today, you would lose your mind at the inefficiency of preload, dispatch and package. The first thing you would want to do is make changes, cause with your experience you could make that call, but then you find that your hands are tied by Atlanta and you are forced to fail.
At the end of the day, all you can do is apologize to your drivers for having to screw them for the day.
Thats todays UPS operations.
Hope this clarifies my explanation.
Peace and enjoy your retirement.