Starting 8/1 Ups will require face masks again?

The Driver

I drive.
In the USA, "young children" of a 40-50 year old are at least 20 years of age.
Some dudes are 50 by the time they have kids in kindergarten. It’s called being a stud.

Women though… yeah.

Don’t forget older folks sometimes have adopted kids and custody of grandkids.

Everything is just so SIMPLE to you Trumpers, ain’t it.

The Driver

I drive.
You really can’t see that these people are paid actors?
How do I know you’re not a paid actor.

My uncle who died from COVID-19 pneumonia wasn’t an actor.

Screw your head on straight. Just because this hasn’t happened in your life doesn’t mean it’s not happening. Everything is SIMPLE to you Trumpanzees, ain’t it.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
I still wear masks if I'm delivering to retirement homes or medical facilities. I'm not wearing one all day. Not going to wear one in a 100 degree warehouse.


Well-Known Member
Ok, dude. I don't have to be credentialed to say that the vaccines are safe and effective because the smartest minds in virology, medicine and epidemiology are all on the same page.

I'm relying on their expertise to make an informed decision. Just like I would if I needed a heart transplant. I'm not going to second-guess the entire field of medicine if I need a new heart and they're the ones with expertise.

I can almost assure you that your doctor would say to get protected by getting vaccinated.

96% of physicians are vaccinated.

You seriously don't understand the difference here?
This is false. Smartest minds in virology? Name three of these said smartest virologists. Bill Nye, Bill Gates, and Anthony "flip flop" fauci DO NOT count. They are not even real scientists. Paid public figures putting out the most obvious propaganda and pandering I've ever seen. Now you want to talk about virologists and actual brilliant minds who are dedicated to abolishing this dumb story line that viruses cause disease (they don't). Look up Stefan Lanka and his recent published study on covid 19. Tom Cowan, Andy Kaufman, Larry Palevsky, Sherri Tenpenny, Christiane name a few. You can go deeper and have your whole world shook on how much of a lie this is that plays off of.....our psychology! ding ding ding. Do you know how EASY we are to manipulate? Like, REALLY :censored2:ing easy. We suck. We get sucked in so quickly to propaganda and fear messaging and absolutely refuse anything else. When you look up those names, guess what youll find? They are on the internets TOP 12 OF MISINFORMATION, imagine :censored2:ing that? Google and snopes tell you these folks are false and spreading "dangerous misinformation." Why dont you stop listening to the news for one day, ONE day. Check out some podcasts with those folks, look up their instagram pages...Realize that this is a :censored2:ing disgraceful lie and the more people that realize this, the less power they :censored2:ing have. Whats so incredibly frustrating is watching people defend this tyranny thinking theyre doing something altruistic and beneficial when in reality they are setting up a bleak future for our kids and ourselves. Masks again huh? More vaccines? Seems like maybe that didnt work the first time. Oh, so youre gonna blame us for "new variants?" gtfo. there can not be a variant of something which has NEVER BEEN ISOLATED. It astonishes me the level of ignorance people are willing to stay in because of cognitive dissonance. But then again, theyve been studying humans for a long time, and have been planning this for an even longer time probably. That vaccine has been patented since before covid 19 bud. Also, look up EVENT 201 And agenda 2021/2030/2050. Theyve got some fun things in store for us over the next few decades. Strap in.