Bah, don't say the "S" word. A simple solution like a dryer sheet won't work for me unfortunately. I'm not a driver, I work preload and the shocks I have to deal with every winter come from those blasted smalls bags. Those lousy pieces of zippered woven plastic build up a charge like you wouldn't believe.
Where I am we dump the contents of those bags into what look like large industrial laundry carts, like you might also see moving mail around at a post office. In the process of emptying one bag, if I'm standing too close to the metal edge of that cart, I can get shocked three or four times on my lower stomach before I'm done. Though I can't complain too much compared to a old co-worker of mine... a guy who was a few inches taller than me. Everyone once in a while he would forget and get too close. I could tell those times by the look on his face.
Started calling them "Electric Eel Incidents". I doubt my getting zotted in the stomach three or four times per bag can even compare to what he dealt with even once.... heh.