Stewards meeting with new hires in right to work states


Well-Known Member
You'd get laughed. Even by union members. Many of the people you'd be trying to intimidate have something in the trunk or glove compartment of their cars that would make you piss yourself even as you are holding that bat. And we would say "Welcome to a RTW state!" ;)
Do you mean a portable meth lab?

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You'd get laughed. Even by union members. Many of the people you'd be trying to intimidate have something in the trunk or glove compartment of their cars that would make you piss yourself even as you are holding that bat. And we would say "Welcome to a RTW state!" ;)
Do you mean a portable meth lab?

If a loaded weapon is sometimes called that than yeah. Or in this case "Union Thug Repellant" might be the more appropriate name for it. Either way a baseball bat wielding "enforcer" wouldn't be tolerated here. I suspect in most civilized areas of our country as well.


Phoenix Feeder
In this RTW State you would be arrested for brandishing, a class 3 Felony, just for displaying that firearm in a way that sought to threaten or intimidate even if it was in a holster. A friend of mine even got 6 months in jail as well as a $5000 fine for just sliding his pistol from one side of his body to the other in response to a road raging driver while he was on his motorcycle. And AZ is considered to be liberal (small L) in it's application of gun laws, this incident being after A.R.S. 13-421 which supposedly made such actions legal.

The bat? No problem at all.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
In this RTW State you would be arrested for brandishing, a class 3 Felony, just for displaying that firearm in a way that sought to threaten or intimidate even if it was in a holster. A friend of mine even got 6 months in jail as well as a $5000 fine for just sliding his pistol from one side of his body to the other in response to a road raging driver while he was on his motorcycle. And AZ is considered to be liberal (small L) in it's application of gun laws, this incident being after A.R.S. 13-421 which supposedly made such actions legal.

The bat? No problem at all.

The bat could get a union thug enforcer aggravated assault in this RTW state. A real man wouldn't need ANY weapon. But we all knew that already right??? ;)


Well-Known Member
You'd get laughed. Even by union members. Many of the people you'd be trying to intimidate have something in the trunk or glove compartment of their cars that would make you piss yourself even as you are holding that bat. And we would say "Welcome to a RTW state!" ;)
Do you mean a portable meth lab?

If a loaded weapon is sometimes called that than yeah. Or in this case "Union Thug Repellant" might be the more appropriate name for it. Either way a baseball bat wielding "enforcer" wouldn't be tolerated here. I suspect in most civilized areas of our country as well.
A gun has never stopped me before and it never will. Guns usually are a result of natural fear.


Inordinately Right
then maybe raffle off a few video games...I'm sure you would have 90% of the pt'ers signing up...not the most classy way of doing things but it would probably work.

This. People don't join because they can't see the bigger picture of what they get out of it. They want something NOW.

Most people are asking themselves, what the hell do they even do for me? You can't explain it to them, because they are stupid.

Maybe the union should try some of UPS's tricks. It's amazing to me how happy people are when management gives them free food once or twice a year, or a free t shirt, or water bottle, or whatever other chinese made crap they hand out.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
You'd get laughed. Even by union members. Many of the people you'd be trying to intimidate have something in the trunk or glove compartment of their cars that would make you piss yourself even as you are holding that bat. And we would say "Welcome to a RTW state!" ;)
Do you mean a portable meth lab?

If a loaded weapon is sometimes called that than yeah. Or in this case "Union Thug Repellant" might be the more appropriate name for it. Either way a baseball bat wielding "enforcer" wouldn't be tolerated here. I suspect in most civilized areas of our country as well.
A gun has never stopped me before and it never will. Guns usually are a result of natural fear.

Natural fear eh? Kinda like wielding a bat.


Gone Fish'n
For those in RTW states, I've found simply educating people as to what our union is for and why we should be supporting it goes a long way. I try to explain about insurance, production harassment, safe work equipment, and how some of these things wouldn't be here otherwise. The first words to someone that you're looking to bring in the fold shouldn't start with "You need to pay....." It should start with "Would you like to learn something".

People want to know that their money is going to do something worth while. I see no difference in the way some people handle the union sign up than the way UPS handles United Way. Think about it.


Well-Known Member
With union membership we get to pay dues to pay our representatives that in return support Democrats that take our healthcare earnings & redistribute them to people that would rather not do the hard labor that we do. Seriously considering organizing a union dumping drive in our area. Especially after this contract.


Well-Known Member
With union membership we get to pay dues to pay our representatives that in return support Democrats that take our healthcare earnings & redistribute them to people that would rather not do the hard labor that we do. Seriously considering organizing a union dumping drive in our area. Especially after this contract.

You do realize that without the union, our wages and benifits would be a lot lower, probably equal to FedEx? But I guess that doesn't matter to you, right? Without the funding, the union stops existing.

Or is it that your perfectly comfortable piggybacking those of us that do pay?


B.C. boohoo buster.
Anyone can take the initiative and talk to new hires (or seniority employees that are not members) themselves about joining. I do it sometimes. Doesn't have to be a steward. I've even tried to convince drivers to join that had nearly 20 years company seniority on me. We don't have but a few of those though. And most of them were members before and withdrew.

And yet they are all up in arms about there benefits and voted no for "there" supplements. I wouldn't give a rats-ass for any of these freeloading cry baby scabs in brown. Its no wonder that Hoffa/Hall gave them all a collective middle finger.


B.C. boohoo buster.
With union membership we get to pay dues to pay our representatives that in return support Democrats that take our healthcare earnings & redistribute them to people that would rather not do the hard labor that we do. Seriously considering organizing a union dumping drive in our area. Especially after this contract.

Problem with that perspective is that these people where already using the healthcare system at the emergency room where cost are 1000% higher. All those cost get passed onto everyone else's healthcare plans. getting freeloaders to pay into healthcare, paying for preventive healthcare, and migrating into a single payer will lower cost. In the USA we pay 2-3x more for healthcare than any other developed economy and have zero if not less results.

​ If you don't like Obama-care then what do you propose to lower cost and get freeloaders to pay?


Well-Known Member
With union membership we get to pay dues to pay our representatives that in return support Democrats that take our healthcare earnings & redistribute them to people that would rather not do the hard labor that we do. Seriously considering organizing a union dumping drive in our area. Especially after this contract.

Problem with that perspective is that these people where already using the healthcare system at the emergency room where cost are 1000% higher. All those cost get passed onto everyone else's healthcare plans. getting freeloaders to pay into healthcare, paying for preventive healthcare, and migrating into a single payer will lower cost. In the USA we pay 2-3x more for healthcare than any other developed economy and have zero if not less results.

​ If you don't like Obama-care then what do you propose to lower cost and get freeloaders to pay?
unleash completion by allowing insurance across state lines, tort reform, converting free-loaders into tax payers by creating good paying full-time jobs, etc. None of which Obamacare does. Instead Obamacare is designed to collapse our healthcare & force everyone into a single payer system.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
With union membership we get to pay dues to pay our representatives that in return support Democrats that take our healthcare earnings & redistribute them to people that would rather not do the hard labor that we do. Seriously considering organizing a union dumping drive in our area. Especially after this contract.

Problem with that perspective is that these people where already using the healthcare system at the emergency room where cost are 1000% higher. All those cost get passed onto everyone else's healthcare plans. getting freeloaders to pay into healthcare, paying for preventive healthcare, and migrating into a single payer will lower cost. In the USA we pay 2-3x more for healthcare than any other developed economy and have zero if not less results.

​ If you don't like Obama-care then what do you propose to lower cost and get freeloaders to pay?

Only allowing patients with serious injuries/ conditions into the ERs for starters.


Well-Known Member
Yup. Another point worth making is that the same people that abused the emergency rooms before will still use the emergency rooms. Only this time with a sense of entitlement.


Well-Known Member
With union membership we get to pay dues to pay our representatives that in return support Democrats that take our healthcare earnings & redistribute them to people that would rather not do the hard labor that we do. Seriously considering organizing a union dumping drive in our area. Especially after this contract.

You do realize that without the union, our wages and benifits would be a lot lower, probably equal to FedEx? But I guess that doesn't matter to you, right? Without the funding, the union stops existing.

Or is it that your perfectly comfortable piggybacking those of us that do pay?
I'm not against unions. Just against today's unions that have a loyalty to Democrats above their loyalty to the rank & file. Our leadership today is sacrificing the gains made by generations of union workers only to get used & discarded. I'm not convinced that they won't go crawling back, offering more of our earnings as sacrifices to the Messiah Obama.


Well-Known Member
I'm not against unions. Just against today's unions that have a loyalty to Democrats above their loyalty to the rank & file. Our leadership today is sacrificing the gains made by generations of union workers only to get used & discarded. I'm not convinced that they won't go crawling back, offering more of our earnings as sacrifices to the Messiah Obama.

Right cause President Obama gets to run for a third's a hint, todays unions are trying to survive the attacks from the party you support. If Republicans support labor, labor supports Republicans. Pretty simple.


Well-Known Member
[/B]Right cause President Obama gets to run for a third's a hint, todays unions are trying to survive the attacks from the party you support. If Republicans support labor, labor supports Republicans. Pretty simple.
Where do you get the notion that Democrats support labor? All theyve done so far is redistribute the healthcare earnings that union memebers have earned for generations. Wake up for crying out loud! Democrats are killing our unions! We've never been so divided & the public has turned against us because our union leaders support legislation that hurts working families then expects to be exempt from it. The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be.