Stewards meeting with new hires in right to work states


Well-Known Member
Not to mention what Democrats are doing to the coal industry & the families that are affected by their anti-coal agenda. Democrats & unions are like a bad relationship, where even though he hits her, she still thinks he loves her & crawls back only to be abused again. We deserve better!

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Not to mention what Democrats are doing to the coal industry & the families that are affected by their anti-coal agenda. Democrats & unions are like a bad relationship, where even though he hits her, she still thinks he loves her & crawls back only to be abused again. We deserve better!

You got that right!!!!


Well-Known Member
Where do you get the notion that Democrats support labor? All theyve done so far is redistribute the healthcare earnings that union memebers have earned for generations. Wake up for crying out loud! Democrats are killing our unions! We've never been so divided & the public has turned against us because our union leaders support legislation that hurts working families then expects to be exempt from it. The sooner you realize that the better off you'll be.
Are Democrats responsible for the ALEC backed wave of union stripping bills being pushed through statehouses since 2010? Sorry pal but your glorious Tea Party wingnuts that "bought" their way into control of the GOP are not labors friends. Get GOP leaders that support unions and things will change, but right now only the Dems aren't fixated on ending Unions existence.


Inordinately Right
Democrats & unions are like a bad relationship, where even though he hits her, she still thinks he loves her & crawls back only to be abused again. We deserve better!

Kind of like union members who get their info from Fox "News"?
You deserve better.

fox unions.jpg
fox unions.jpg
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Well-Known Member
Since the days of Jimmy Hoffa being prosecuted by the Kennedys(D) & pardoned by Richard Nixon(R), since Carter(D) ended the federal employees union, since Clinton signed NAFTA into law & Obama waged war on the coal industry & union memeber healthcare benefits, Democrats have been anti-labor. RTW legislation isn't going to hurt unions. It will make them accountable for what & who they spend our money on. We shouldnt be spending money to support polititians that pass laws that redistribute the health insurance that we earn. Say what you want about Republicans but the real life consequences we are seeing today are a direct result of 100% Democrat legislation. & our idiot union leaders cheered for it the entire way.


Well-Known Member
Democrats & unions are like a bad relationship, where even though he hits her, she still thinks he loves her & crawls back only to be abused again. We deserve better!

Kind of like union members who get their info from Fox "News"?
You deserve better.

View attachment 9869
. The fact that so many of you don't watch FOX news is the reason that all the negative consequences of Obamacare has come as such a shock. Had you chose to stay informed by watching Fox News instead of the media outlets that filter out what they don't want you to know, then you would have known what was coming and maybe we could have saved our Healthcare at UPS. Your Ignorance is Obamas greatest strength.


Inordinately Right
. The fact that so many of you don't watch FOX news is the reason that all the negative consequences of Obamacare has come as such a shock. Had you chose to stay informed by watching Fox News instead of the media outlets that filter out what they don't want you to know, then you would have known what was coming and maybe we could have saved our Healthcare at UPS. Your Ignorance is Obamas greatest strength.

I do watch Fox News occasionally.... it is hilarious and I can always count on it for a good laugh.
I do the same thing with CNBC.

Do you seriously sit down and watch tv to get your news? Or are you saying you actually get on your computer and go to to get your news? Both of these scenarios are pretty sad.

​What is even sadder, is that I often find I have to get news about my own country, from a foreign news source. Honest reliable news does not come from the American media anymore. Quite sad really.


Well-Known Member
Did the foreign news warn you of the consequences working families, union & non-union alike would face with the implementation of the ACA? Just curious.


Inordinately Right
Did the foreign news warn you of the consequences working families, union & non-union alike would face with the implementation of the ACA? Just curious.

Nope, did Fox News warn you about the consequences of sending American soldiers to die in Iraq for no reason?

Fox news did warn me about unions though. They said they are bad for America and we can't afford them. They said Unions are the reason Hostess went out of business, and abolishing collective bargaining was a victory for capitalism.

Back to my original point....
How can you stomach watching Fox News and republicans bashing Unions, and then sit here and tell people we should be supporting republicans not democrats? Get real man.... politics is a game, the union is just playing it the best they can.

Overpaid Union Thug

Well-Known Member
Did the foreign news warn you of the consequences working families, union & non-union alike would face with the implementation of the ACA? Just curious.

Nope, did Fox News warn you about the consequences of sending American soldiers to die in Iraq for no reason?

Fox news did warn me about unions though. They said they are bad for America and we can't afford them. They said Unions are the reason Hostess went out of business, and abolishing collective bargaining was a victory for capitalism.

Back to my original point....
How can you stomach watching Fox News and republicans bashing Unions, and then sit here and tell people we should be supporting republicans not democrats? Get real man.... politics is a game, the union is just playing it the best they can.
Liberals and socialists are just playing the unions and the American people the best they can. Pretending they are democrats for starters. America is done. Put a fork in it. In less than 10 years America will be a third rate country. Thanks to those imposters. I don't consider myself conservative politicaly nor do I think Fox is the Mecca of right wing news but I do think they are necessary. They, practically by themselves, counter a giant left wing mainstream media that is controlled by those very imposters i just mentioned. And they actually do a good job at it too. As for unions..... we are reaping what they sow by blindly supporting those imposters.


Inordinately Right
I don't really think unions are blindly supporting democrats. I think they are choosing the lesser of two evils.
What is the other option? I'm being sincere here.... what is the other option?


Well-Known Member
I don't really think unions are blindly supporting democrats. I think they are choosing the lesser of two evils.
What is the other option? I'm being sincere here.... what is the other option?

I don't think siding with the party thats screwing us out of our healthcare benefits is the lesser of the evils. RTW is hardly an comparable offense on the opposing side considering the facts. If Republicans were screwing us out of our earned benefits with some crappy legislation they has rammed through, our union leaders would be loading members onto busses to go to Washington to march around the capital & scream profanities. I know Hoffa has officially come out against Obamacare but where's the action the outrage?

Whats the other option? Spending more on organizing & less on politicians that sell working people down the river, all working people, not just unions. Supporting legislation that only helps unions is bad PR. We need the public on our side when push come to shove & right now we don't have that. Unions were the most enthusiastic supporters of the ACA & first to cry for exemptions from the law. How does that look the public who's support we need? Democrats make special promises for unions & they take the bait every time. It divides the working class & does more to hurt organizing efforts in the long run. A little common sense from our leadership would go a long way.


Well-Known Member
I don't think siding with the party thats screwing us out of our healthcare benefits is the lesser of the evils. RTW is hardly an comparable offense on the opposing side considering the facts. If Republicans were screwing us out of our earned benefits with some crappy legislation they has rammed through, our union leaders would be loading members onto busses to go to Washington to march around the capital & scream profanities. I know Hoffa has officially come out against Obamacare but where's the action the outrage?

Whats the other option? Spending more on organizing & less on politicians that sell working people down the river, all working people, not just unions. Supporting legislation that only helps unions is bad PR. We need the public on our side when push come to shove & right now we don't have that. Unions were the most enthusiastic supporters of the ACA & first to cry for exemptions from the law. How does that look the public who's support we need? Democrats make special promises for unions & they take the bait every time. It divides the working class & does more to hurt organizing efforts in the long run. A little common sense from our leadership would go a long way.
A little accuracy from posters goes a long way. Hoffa has not come out against the ACA (Obamacare), he has merely suggested Taft Hartley Plans be treated equally with exchange plans. If you studied the issue you'd understand the disparity. The cadillac tax exemption was only sought because of the fear of trustees of Union H&W plans that benefit cuts would be needed to avoid the excise tax threshold and thereby hamper bargaining. The for profit Insurance industry raised that issue as they despise non-profit H&W plans and find willing advocates in the GOP.
The Teamsters spend voluntary donations from their PAC fund DRIVE supporting legislation that helps all labor, non union and union. The GOP produces no legislation that supports any union cause but rather champions fallacies such as RTW which sole intent is to weaken the voice of labor.


Well-Known Member
OK so Hoffa says that " ...the ACA will shatter not only our hard-earned health benefits, but destroy the foundation of the 40 hour work week that is the backbone of the American middle class.", " The unintended consequences of the ACA are severe.", "...many employees will be relegated to second-class status and shut out of the help the law offers to for-profit insurance plans.", "...these restrictions will make non-profit plans like ours unsustainable, and will undermine the health-care market of viable alternatives to the big health insurance companies.", & that " ...the law as it stands will hurt millions of Americans including the members of our respective unions.".

But he's still for it. Thanks for clearing that up. This is why we need new leadership in our union.


Well-Known Member
RTW legislation has done more to help union workers then Obamacare has. It makes our union more accountable since it gives the rank-and-file a voice. RTW even helped get new hires the first pay raise they've seen in 30 years. Even our union leaders have admitted to that. Republicans don't single out unions for favorable legislation. They favor legislation that helps all workers. The Democrats use that as a wedge quite effectively.( for low information voters). As I said before unions asking politicians to pass laws that hurt working people but favor unions is divisive and unfair. It sours public opinion of unions by highlighting the cronyism taking place at the higher levels.


RTW legislation has done more to help union workers then Obamacare has. It makes our union more accountable since it gives the rank-and-file a voice. RTW even helped get new hires the first pay raise they've seen in 30 years. Even our union leaders have admitted to that. Republicans don't single out unions for favorable legislation. They favor legislation that helps all workers. The Democrats use that as a wedge quite effectively.( for low information voters). As I said before unions asking politicians to pass laws that hurt working people but favor unions is divisive and unfair. It sours public opinion of unions by highlighting the cronyism taking place at the higher levels.

The rank-and-file have a voice and multiple venues to express it via union meetings and local/international officer elections. Additionally, most local union bylaws call for the election of stewards.

Most rank-and-file members simply choose not to utilize that voice. RTW gives free loaders a chance to practice their craft when they're not stealing beer at a house party, snatching candy from a baby, or generally being suckasses.

You really need to get help for your case of Stockholm syndrome, brother.


Well-Known Member
RTW legislation has done more to help union workers then Obamacare has. It makes our union more accountable since it gives the rank-and-file a voice. RTW even helped get new hires the first pay raise they've seen in 30 years. Even our union leaders have admitted to that. Republicans don't single out unions for favorable legislation. They favor legislation that helps all workers. The Democrats use that as a wedge quite effectively.( for low information voters). As I said before unions asking politicians to pass laws that hurt working people but favor unions is divisive and unfair. It sours public opinion of unions by highlighting the cronyism taking place at the higher levels.

The rank-and-file have a voice and multiple venues to express it via union meetings and local/international officer elections. Additionally, most local union bylaws call for the election of stewards.

Most rank-and-file members simply choose not to utilize that voice. RTW gives free loaders a chance to practice their craft when they're not stealing beer at a house party, snatching candy from a baby, or generally being suckasses.

You really need to get help for your case of Stockholm syndrome, brother.

The freeloaders aren't the non union members working in your union shop for a paycheck. The freeloaders are the guys that are getting your portion of your healthcare that you're working for & earning, but having taken away. The freeloaders are the guys that vote for a living instead of work for a living. The freeloaders are the guys living off the tax dollars that come out of your paycheck that you aren't smart enough to know was ever there. Lol:)


Inordinately Right
The freeloaders aren't the non union members working in your union shop for a paycheck. The freeloaders are the guys that are getting your portion of your healthcare that you're working for & earning, but having taken away.

You're right you are working for and earning healthcare. But do you think UPS would just give you what you deserve out of the goodness of their heart? The union is the organization that protects what you work for and earn. The freeloaders ARE the people who get Union benefits, but aren't in the union.
There is a cost associated with protecting people's rights, union dues are just a tiny price to pay to secure what we deserve.


Well-Known Member
You're right you are working for and earning healthcare. But do you think UPS would just give you what you deserve out of the goodness of their heart? The union is the organization that protects what you work for and earn. The freeloaders ARE the people who get Union benefits, but aren't in the union.
There is a cost associated with protecting people's rights, union dues are just a tiny price to pay to secure what we deserve.

UPS began offering spousal health insurance to same sex couples years ago. They were under no legal or contractual obligation to do so which goes against the notion many have, that UPS was planning on dropping spousal coverage before Obamacare. They expanded health insurance to those spouses to retain those employees, plain & simple.

Business isn't charity & so I wouldn't expect UPS to cover anyone out of the goodness of their heart because as we agreed, we EARN our benefits, & unions in the past have negotiated on our behalf a better deal. The problem is todays union leaders giving back those earned benefits so that Obama & the Democrats can play Santa Claus with what you worked for, earned, & had confiscated without your understanding. UPS is paying MORE for your health insurance. We are getting LESS. Democrats are HAPPY:happy-very: about that. We are SAD:sad-little:. I can't make it any simpler.
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Inordinately Right
UPS began offering spousal health insurance to same sex couples years ago. They were under no legal or contractual obligation to do so which goes against the notion many have, that UPS was planning on dropping spousal coverage before Obamacare. They expanded health insurance to those spouses to retain those employees, plain & simple.

Business isn't charity & so I wouldn't expect UPS to cover anyone out of the goodness of their heart because as we agreed, we EARN our benefits, & unions in the past have negotiated on our behalf a better deal. The problem is todays union leaders giving back those earned benefits so that Obama & the Democrats can play Santa Claus with what you worked for, earned, & had confiscated without your understanding. UPS is paying MORE for your health insurance. We are getting LESS. Democrats are HAPPY:happy-very: about that. We are SAD:sad-little:. I can't make it any simpler.

So that Obama & the Democrats and the Republicans can play Santa Claus with what you worked for.
Republicans don't care about you either.
​I can't make it any simpler.

UPS dropping spousal coverage for management makes me think maybe the union knew what they were doing when they sought control of our health coverage. Only time will tell.
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