Student walkouts


Retired 23 years
I like the "Walk Up" movement better than the Walk Out one.

Walk Up to a kid that is having a tuff time and listen to his problems
Walk up to a kid who is sitting alone at the lunch table and invite him to yours
Walk up to some one who is always picked last and choose them

The list goes on and on. I though it was pretty neat.


Well-Known Member
That may be that same thought, if we are to get to the root of the issue, its important to bring up birth control or plan b type abortives but most importantly education. Ive always wondered why many women don't fully understand how their bodies work nor are they taught to read their body? Why aren't girls taught about our plant helpers? Instead, they've been intentionally dummed down. This would be a simple fix to a lot of this stuff. The same people against abortion, also tend to be against prevention. Just an observation.
I agree with most of what you say. The prevention aspect is primarily a Catholic issue, which I've never understood. Would certainly save a lot of heartache if the pregnancy was prevented.


I'm going to disappoint you.
I agree with most of what you say. The prevention aspect is primarily a Catholic issue, which I've never understood. Would certainly save a lot of heartache if the pregnancy was prevented.
If our society deemed prevention to be of the utmost importance, it would implement an entire course in the schools for young women especially and teach them EVERYTHING, not this half ass sex ed we see -- most parents aren't up to teaching because lets face it...most parents dance around the topic like 10 year olds. It's ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
If our society deemed prevention to be of the utmost importance, it would implement an entire course in the schools for young women especially and teach them EVERYTHING, not this half ass sex ed we see -- most parents aren't up to teaching because lets face it...most parents dance around the topic like 10 year olds. It's ridiculous.

My ex is an RN—-our daughter was very well informed.


Well-Known Member
You're hilarious. They provide easy low cost access to pregnancy prevention you just claimed you support. But hey you saw a doctored video once so...
Video wasn't doctored and I'm for people taking responsibility for their actions and not getting pregnant. But if they do they should bear responsibility for protecting the life they created.