Student walkouts


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
At the March for Our Lives, Kids Say Their Right to Feel Safe Trumps Your Right to Own a Gun

Missing from these conversations was any awareness of a very basic, indisputable fact: Gun violence has declined precipitously over the past 25 years, and most Americans are much safer today than they were a generation ago.

Schools are no exception. They are "increasingly free of mass shootings," according to researchers James Alan Fox and Emma Fridel. As New York Magazine's Eric Levitz put it:

American children do not "risk their lives" when they show up to school each morning — or at least, not nearly as much as they do whenever they ride in a car, swim in a pool, or put food in their mouths (an American's lifetime odds of dying in a mass shooting committed in any location is 1 in 11,125; of dying in a car accident is 1 and 491; of drowning is 1 in 1,133; and of choking on food is 1 in 3,461). Criminal victimization in American schools has collapsed in tandem with the overall crime rate, leaving U.S. classrooms safer today than at any time in recent memory.

Obviously, it's understandable for the survivors of the horrific events in Parkland to be feeling unsafe, given what happened to them. But mass shootings are not the norm, and kids don't need to be terrified of going to school.

One teenager, a female student who attends a private boarding school in Pennsylvania, cornered me after I had finished interviewing her friends. She was carrying a sign that said, "The FBI has blood on their hands," and was eager to explain it.

"I'm not for taking away guns," she told me. "I think that really this isn't possible in the U.S. But multiple sources, and the FBI itself, confirmed that there were signs that were definitely missed, in Parkland and in other cases around the country. I think that's a matter of them doing their jobs and protecting the country like they're supposed to."

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
"I'm not for taking away guns," she told me. "I think that really this isn't possible in the U.S. But multiple sources, and the FBI itself, confirmed that there were signs that were definitely missed, in Parkland and in other cases around the country. I think that's a matter of them doing their jobs and protecting the country like they're supposed to."
This was the real shame about Parkland.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
You are correct Sir, but is so much easier to blame an inanimate object, disregarding previously enacted policies, and cowards on the ground. I understand the larger picture, along with millions of other citizens.
You are being too kind.
The people clamoring for gun bans are hijacking the event to further their personal agenda to ban guns.


Strength through joy
One local TV reporter tried to spin the trash left behind from yesterday's march as a good thing . The street was littered with mounds of used placards on sticks .