Student walkouts


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
bare necessary control is still control to one degree or another.
Say I was a project manager for the implementation of a new dam and you were one of the engineers on the design team. You would feel overly controlled by the fact that I would have to assign you to a certain part of the design?


Well-Known Member
Sad to have to live out life like that, gotta give it up sometime, but I wasn't there, didn't experience something to the multitude that would disable me to that extent. Truly sad for the veteran.

I'm guessing you've never had anyone shooting at you, planes trying to crash into your ship or them trying to blow you up.

Vietnam combat Vets, to this day, having a higher resting adrenaline level than non combat Vets. I wonder why?

I'm sure you can rationalize this away also.


Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone
For a second I was gonna ask how the :censored2: you got in my house but my doll is much nicer.
She keeps an eye on things.



Well-Known Member
as far as social issues are concerned people should vote......and that includes contracts.....the low turnouts on voting on virtually anything is embarressing.....


Well-Known Member
Say I was a project manager for the implementation of a new dam and you were one of the engineers on the design team. You would feel overly controlled by the fact that I would have to assign you to a certain part of the design?
i would feel overly controlled if a majority of workers did not like that project manager and if we did not vote him into that position.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing you've never had anyone shooting at you, planes trying to crash into your ship or them trying to blow you up.

Vietnam combat Vets, to this day, having a higher resting adrenaline level than non combat Vets. I wonder why?

I'm sure you can rationalize this away also.

I'm sorry, Obviously my intent was not clear. I was trying to convey that what he saw must have been so horrible that it affected his life to that point. I have nothing but respect for the vets and hold them in the highest regard, they are our most esteemed citizens.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
these kids make me sick, running around wanting to change the constitution, 80 percent dont know what an assault weapon is, dont want to address bullying in their school, wearing communist pins and stupid crap