Student walkouts

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
So who are the "organizers" who have the $$$$ to put this dog and pony show on?
Such as?

Their funding has come exclusively through donations. Both George Clooney and Oprah Winfrey donated $500K each. They have not accepted any donations from corporations nor have they agreed to the numerous requests to endorse political candidates.

The litter will be picked up and the organization will be billed.
CBS documentary 39 Days.
Who pledged donations to "March for Our Lives"?

Both George Clooney and Oprah Winfrey donated $500K each.
And an undisclosed amount from Taylor Swift.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
Summoned to action by student survivors of the Florida school shooting, hundreds of thousands of teenagers and their supporters rallied in the nation's capital and cities across America on Saturday to press for gun control in one of the biggest youth protests since the Vietnam era.

Leave it to the rag-tag news team at CBS to misstate the reason for the marches. In their interviews, the student spokes people did state 'gun control' as a reason but they talked about many other reasons.
It boiled down to the students were protesting for 'safe schools' with many proposed solutions of which gun control was only one suggestion.

This is more representative of the speeches I heard in addition to gun control.
One teenager ... was carrying a sign that said, "The FBI has blood on their hands," and was eager to explain it.

"I'm not for taking away guns," she told me. "I think that really this isn't possible in the U.S. But multiple sources, and the FBI itself, confirmed that there were signs that were definitely missed, in Parkland and in other cases around the country. I think that's a matter of them doing their jobs and protecting the country like they're supposed to."


Strength through joy
It has come to my attention that children only made up a small % of the March 4 Life crowd .
These marching youngsters haven’t noticed, and their adult handlers and manipulators haven’t mentioned, that you can’t just confiscate property from the public, no matter how right you believe you are .
Such actions are banned by the Second and Fourth Amendments .
This matters .
You’re playing with fire, not firearms .
If you want to remove those protections from yourselves, by removing them from the armed public, you must rewrite the U.S. Constitution . That’s what’s needed amending out the protections of the Bill of Rights .
The public is armed for a purpose, and it’s dangerous to consider pushing them too far . It’s what brought us to revolution in the first place .


Well-Known Member
It has come to my attention that children only made up a small % of the March 4 Life crowd .
These marching youngsters haven’t noticed, and their adult handlers and manipulators haven’t mentioned, that you can’t just confiscate property from the public, no matter how right you believe you are .
Such actions are banned by the Second and Fourth Amendments .
This matters .
You’re playing with fire, not firearms .
If you want to remove those protections from yourselves, by removing them from the armed public, you must rewrite the U.S. Constitution . That’s what’s needed amending out the protections of the Bill of Rights .
The public is armed for a purpose, and it’s dangerous to consider pushing them too far . It’s what brought us to revolution in the first place .



Been around the block a few times
Only completely uninformed idiots, propelled by emotions, would demand to have their rights taken away.


Got the T-Shirt