Student walkouts


Staff member
that's why I love him ;he's a dick and has all you snowflakes crying
Crying? Hardly.

But I do find it telling that you enjoy his jackass behavior so much. I think that we got just what we deserve for such low voter turnout. Trump should be a wake up call.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
Trump, was apparently Obama's and the establishment's political pendulum... Right? Not that Trump is "right" lol.

Hillary was the status quo... With an unfavorable aura that did not appeal. Perhaps that's why voter turn out was what it was... But then again, she sure did grab some popular vote.

As for me, Gary Johnson was my choice.. I do get a kick out of the hysteria with Trump...


Staff member
Trump, was apparently Obama's and the establishment's political pendulum... Right? Not that Trump is "right" lol.

Hillary was the status quo... With an unfavorable aura that did not appeal. Perhaps that's why voter turn out was what it was... But then again, she sure did grab some popular vote.

As for me, Gary Johnson was my choice.. I do get a kick out of the hysteria with Trump...
I’d get a kick out of it if I could stop believing that Trump really would start a war on the Korean Peninsula.


Does anyone truly believe that’s in our best interest?


Well-Known Member
Trump, was apparently Obama's and the establishment's political pendulum... Right? Not that Trump is "right" lol.

Hillary was the status quo... With an unfavorable aura that did not appeal. Perhaps that's why voter turn out was what it was... But then again, she sure did grab some popular vote.

As for me, Gary Johnson was my choice.. I do get a kick out of the hysteria with Trump...

I don’t know, seems to me the ‘hysteria’ is more valid with Trump than it ever was with Obama.



Well-Known Member
Crying? Hardly.

But I do find it telling that you enjoy his jackass behavior so much. I think that we got just what we deserve for such low voter turnout. Trump should be a wake up call.

Trump saved the world from your brand of extreme liberalism run amok.


Well-Known Member
I’d get a kick out of it if I could stop believing that Trump really would start a war on the Korean Peninsula.


Does anyone truly believe that’s in our best interest?

and thus the snowflake hysteria I've mentioned previously. Hillary is much more a war monger then trump will ever be.


Well-Known Member


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
I’d get a kick out of it if I could stop believing that Trump really would start a war on the Korean Peninsula.


Does anyone truly believe that’s in our best interest?
Help me here... North Korea is agreeing to talk, already met with China, going to meet with South Korea and then with us.

Does this mean war? What am I missing? Is there a nuke standing by?

Again, hysteria kick gone mad. Of course we could be being played... Oh, and Trump is an ass.