Student walkouts


Well-Known Member
Mhm, and I was responding to a meme that conveniently left out that adjective. TTKU.

If you can't follow along with the grown ups maybe you should go back to the fed ex forum with the other dregs and short bus kids.

anti semite racist and makes fun of the mentally and physically disabled. nice guy


Strength through joy
Research by University of Maryland sociologist Dana R. Fisher has revealed that about than 10% of the participants in the main “March for Our Lives” anti-gun protest in Washington, DC, on Saturday were under 18 years old.
The average age of participants, Fisher said, was “just under 49 years old.”

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I’ve run across a few idiots that think we live in a democracy.
What exactly do you think we live in DIDO?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
In a Democracy, eligible citizens vote on every law.
In a Republic, eligible citizens vote on a representative who then votes on every law.

Our Founding Fathers were extremely scared of a democracy and stated that.
That's a direct democracy. The term democracy encompasses more variations than that.