Student walkouts

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I find it hilarious the proposed question for the upcoming census "are you a U.S. citizen?" has California in a panic because they see the writing on the wall.


Well-Known Member
suddenly the guys that want to take my guns away believe in the constitution..go figure
dont toot your own called conservatives like yourself should be doing a better job of defending the constitution instead of selectively defending it for just guns.


Well-Known Member
student walkouts are a rational market based response to the prospect of being riddled full of bullets while you are trying to learn the enzyme of acetylcholine and looking at the chest of the hottie on the other side of class.


Just a turd
In my quoted statement where did I defend Trump?

I stand by my statement that people's hatred/hysteria are blinding them, sad. :speechless2:

Trump is a "person" that is easy to hate... I'll give you that.

He's no Gary Johnson.........thank god

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Well-Known Member
Conversely the guy crying about his constitutional rights doesn't believe in it. Funny how that works out

I'm fine show me the language in the constitution that says we violated the constitution when we asked that question on all those past census surveys

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
I find it hilarious the big Republican state of Texas is whining as well.:happy2:
"The New York State attorney general, Eric T. Schneiderman, said he was leading a multistate lawsuit to stop the move, and officials in Connecticut, Delaware, Illinois, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island and Washington said they would join the effort. The State of California filed a separate lawsuit late Monday night."

Unless they changed the way TEXAS is spelled, I don't see it on the list.

Fred's Myth

Nonhyphenated American
Columbine HS 15 dead/20 wounded , shooter: 2 students
Santana HS 2 dead/13 wounded , shooter: 1 student
Red Lake HS 9 dead/5 wounded , shooter: 1 student
W. Nickel Mines HS 6 dead/5 wounded , shooter: 32 year old male
Marysville HS 5 dead/1 wounded , shooter: student

Using liberal logic, it would appear that eliminating students from our schools is the best way to prevent mass shootings.