Light 'em up!
Problem is that it is stated in the contract that an employee can be terminated for dishonesty based on GPS, etc. UPS will terminate. Will it stick? Probably not because telematics is not infallible. But this will not stop UPS from discharging.By itself telematics or GPS can't be used for termination. Despite what UPS tries to claim, it is not 100% infallible. It can be used to spot problems then target someone. Or pressure and harass someone into admitting guilt. If questioned, always say the GPS must be wrong. Many times it might be. I had issues with driver follow ups a couple of times where GPS tried to say I misdelivered packages to the wrong house. Their GPS data was clearly wrong because it showed the deliveries on streets I never deliver. Only a minor annoyance for me and hardly anything to get terminated about but the same principles still apply. And don't do stupidlike falsifying records just to claim you made service. Even if GPS can't be used by itself UPS will then observe you and you would then be toast.
You get your job back at the panel with no back pay. 2, 3, 4 weeks lost pay. Just take the warning letter for the late NDA. Hell, they may not even issue a warning letter.