ups does not have to pay u to find a shady spot to eat. Weather it be 30 seconds away or 15 minutes away. All situations are not the same, but in this case ups is correct. Lunch starts when u break trace and u should be back on trace when lunch is over. If u have an office job, and lunch is from 1200-100, your lunch starts at 1200, not when u reach the cafeteria.
If you have an office job, the office is heated and there is a bathroom down the hall.
I see road crews, construction crews, contractors, house painters etc. all the time out in the country, and
their employers pay to have a porta-potty delivered out to the job site.
It is part of the cost of doing business. UPS, on the other hand, does
not provide porta-potties at suitable intervals along my trace, and since they made a decision to hire a
human being to run this route then they are going to have to make
reasonable allowances for that human being to use the delivery vehicle in order to locate suitable restroom facilities.If the expense of doing so is such an unreasonable burden, then the company is free to either (a) stop providing delivery service to rural areas or (b) develop and mass produce a robot that can drive and deliver packages without the need to urinate or defecate. The funny thing is, this was
never even an issue prior to Telematics being installed. Now that we can
measure it, we can
manage it....and once we can
manage it, then by God we are gonna
micromanage it to the most ridiculous extremes. Lets go ahead and have that 30 minute meeting with a sup, a center manager, a driver and his shop steward and we can break out the map books and Google Earth and figure out just how far the driver can go in order to find a spot to sit down and make a poopie.