Tentative Agreement is now Available


Well-Known Member
I’m going to order giant tubes of lube in bulk on Amazon and stand in the parking lot and hand it out as people are heading into the building... “What’s the for?”
“This contract passes your gonna need every last bit of it”


Well-Known Member
I was laughing about all the "nervous nellies" saying the IBT was going to sell us out.

UPS is still on the hook.... if Central States defaults.

Okay, so the IBT didn't sell us out on that part, but what are your thoughts on the rest of the contract? Is it still the greatest thing since sliced bread?


Well-Known Member
I'm unimpressed from what I have read so far.

And can I also address one of the dumbest things I have ever read in the pre-selling of this contract?

Have a quick look at the picture attached, and let's talk this out.


You aren't an economist. You have no idea what those tariffs are going to do. You are just a man who has been told things by people you feel are smarter than you.

So don't give us a lukewarm contract and smugly sit there and say, "This baby is going to be looking pretty :censored2:ing good when the economy crashes!"

I was waiting until I saw the contract to respond. I didn't know if you were being smug because you knew what a great contract it was, or just a used car salesman. Hint: I now believe it was the latter.

There is a transportation worker shortage going on nationwide, and the Hoffa administration continues to merely place tourniquets to slow the bleeding, rather than fighting to gain anything. If not NOW, WHEN?


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Starting wage is a waste of time.
JC10UPSer:-Supplemental Negotiations break down in NewEngland-UPS not willing to pay negotiated rates for your benefits! #nobenefitsnodeal #newenglandsolidariy