I'm unimpressed from what I have read so far.
And can I also address one of the dumbest things I have ever read in the pre-selling of this contract?
Have a quick look at the picture attached, and let's talk this out.
You aren't an economist. You have no idea what those tariffs are going to do. You are just a man who has been told things by people you feel are smarter than you.
So don't give us a lukewarm contract and smugly sit there and say, "This baby is going to be looking pretty

ing good when the economy crashes!"
I was waiting until I saw the contract to respond. I didn't know if you were being smug because you knew what a great contract it was, or just a used car salesman. Hint: I now believe it was the latter.
There is a transportation worker shortage going on nationwide, and the Hoffa administration continues to merely place tourniquets to slow the bleeding, rather than fighting to gain anything. If not NOW, WHEN?