I wanted to see more safety for global warming


Active Member
It's an above average contract, Period. Some are happy, some are not. Some had big gains, some had small gains. It's not a Great contract. If inflation wasn't kicking our buts, I guess it wouldn't be so bad. Not so great for the ones that are currently still in progression. Great for the Very Bottom and always Great to be at the top. Justy opinion


Well-Known Member
It's an above average contract, Period. Some are happy, some are not. Some had big gains, some had small gains. It's not a Great contract. If inflation wasn't kicking our buts, I guess it wouldn't be so bad. Not so great for the ones that are currently still in progression. Great for the Very Bottom and always Great to be at the top. Justy opinion

The one currently in progression will be making $49/hr in a few years.


Well-Known Member
I think we agree on the same things. I'm just saying 22.3's may feel dissatisfied with this contract when 22.4's knew their pay as well when they accepted their position. Anyway, back to my rum and cokes. I've mouthed off too much already. 😆 I appreciate your responses, thanks.

22.3 had their chance to make the big bucks but decided to cruise on easy street for lower pay.


Not gonna let ‘em catch the Midnight Rider
This. As someone who came to UPS from another field that required a college education, I can tell you we are compensated very very well.

When my white-collar friends found out what I made and that I had no deductibles they couldn't believe it. Now we have FT drivers on Reddit hollering about wanting covid back pay NOW, $50/hr NOW etc etc
Stay away from Reddit right now. Too many people lack reading comprehension and don’t understand that it’s not $2.75 immediately with an additional $7.50 over the life of the contract.