We use to be up to $10 pay difference.
Yep. Now it's a $15-$20 pay difference. We did good.
Do not take the first offer people!
It's not the first offer. It's probably the 4th or 5th. It's the offer that your Teamster National Negotiating Committee, including rank and file members, agreed that it was a fair offer and probably the best they were going to get without a strike, that neither side wanted.
A strike is a last resort, if the Company does not give a good offer. A strike is not a tool to try and get a few more dollars after an agreement has been reached by your elected Negotiating Committee.
You do the same job as Old Dominion, FedEx, Pitt, Dayton, etc. but make $20/hr more. Thank the Union.
Remember, the whole committee had to agree, not just SOB. If you don't like what they agreed to, find another Union that you may think will do better. Or try and negotiate yourself without a Union. You will be at Old Dominion and FedEx wages of $28-$30/hr.
We will be almost $20/hr higher than them, with full benefits and a full pension. Quit your bitchin.