The National Debt, Do You Worry About It?


BrownCafe Innovator & King of Puns
...some recent facts below are emerging which further support my otherwise sad conviction that the American economy (not to be confused with its Fed-supported stock exchanges) is literally living on borrowed time...



...some recent facts below are emerging which further support my otherwise sad conviction that the American economy (not to be confused with its Fed-supported stock exchanges) is literally living on borrowed time...

Fed just announced no change in interest rates. Economy is kicking ass doing better than expected

Giddy up


nowhere special
Fed just announced no change in interest rates. Economy is kicking ass doing better than expected

Giddy up
In a statement on Jan. 31, the Federal Open Market Committee said it "does not expect it will be appropriate to reduce the target [interest rate] range until it has gained greater confidence that inflation is moving sustainably toward 2%."

However, the FOMC didn't hint as to when that "confidence" would be achieved.
Fed just announced no change in interest rates. Economy is kicking ass doing better than expected
we're all going to be rich!


Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
Fed just announced no change in interest rates. Economy is kicking ass doing better than expected

Giddy up
Americans of all political persuasion should be happy that Americans overall are doing better. I get the sense that a lot of MAGA wishes we’d have an economic depression and financial markets collapse if it could be blamed on Joe. Sad times.
Americans of all political persuasion should be happy that Americans overall are doing better.
this is literally not true, have you watched the news at all?

I get the sense that a lot of MAGA wishes we’d have an economic depression and financial markets collapse if it could be blamed on Joe. Sad times.
we have a mostly bull:censored2: economy built on bull:censored2: finances, built by bull:censored2: presidents stretching back to nixon

wanting to see that end has nothing to do with your guy biden

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member
this is literally not true, have you watched the news at all?

we have a mostly bull:censored2: economy built on bull:censored2: finances, built by bull:censored2: presidents stretching back to nixon

wanting to see that end has nothing to do with your guy biden
Buddy. We literally have the hottest economy on Earth at the moment. That’s a fact.

I thought the news was ran by the globalists, by the way. Surprised you want me to engage with the news.
Buddy. We literally have the hottest economy on Earth at the moment. That’s a fact.

I thought the news was ran by the globalists, by the way. Surprised you want me to engage with the news.

oh yeah, super hot economy there

Next Day Err

Well-Known Member

oh yeah, super hot economy there

Now tell me how Business Insider is suddenly a Soro’s funded operation.
lol so what metric should we use?
Kuznets went on to construct the GDP in the 1940s as a simple metric that could be calculated from the exceedingly limited market data then available.
Kuznets repeatedly warned, however, that the GDP only measured market activity and should not be mistaken for a metric of social or even economic well-being.
median income adjusted for true purchasing power would probably come closest


Well-Known Member
lol so what metric should we use?
Let's start with has the cost of living gone up under Biden for most families? That's the primary metric most voters will be considering in November. Then we should consider mental competency. I was watching a video of Biden speaking in 2020. The difference between him then and now is startling. And we've got another 9 months to go until the election and almost a full year until the next president is sworn in. All the spin in the world isn't changing the fact that Joe Biden is going downhill. He won't improve.