The new plan,pt do p1


Well-Known Member
Dano posted his "What makes you think that?" comment over 3 months ago and nothing for the past month. He likes to assume that couriers are simpletons and that everything that comes from corporate is a stroke of brilliance. That said, he's undoubtedly licking his wounds these days. His meaningless job is now even more so because with all this Response fiasco mess, keeping track of everything is now just a game of darts that obviously hasn't helped service levels one bit, if it ever did.
Ooops. Thought it was recent.


Well-Known Member
Every day when I get back to the station, there are lots of packages that came in for the afternoon sort that are not attempted. Many are perishable and medical shipments. They just get rolled to the AM the next day. And this goes on day after day.


Huge Member
Every day when I get back to the station, there are lots of packages that came in for the afternoon sort that are not attempted. Many are perishable and medical shipments. They just get rolled to the AM the next day. And this goes on day after day.

Our station rolled our entire 2nd wave packages 2 days in a row this week. Hours are through the roof and can’t even get on road at a decent time for wave 1.


But we saw this coming long time ago, back when MrFEDEX use to post here daily. I predict, before peak, all express will be part time with the option to work for ground for FT.
Not going to happen. That's too much too fast. Ground can't even handle what they have now and there is no way Express employees will go to ground. My guess is right now they are in panic mode and throwing anything at the wall to see if it sticks.


Well-Known Member
They will lose their RLA exemption if that happens. I say go for it.😄
I’ve thought from the beginning this “response” plan was a planned demolition. Designed to fail in order to justify moving more freight to ground. The company hates P2... they don’t want it sorted, flown, or delivered by express employees. This would be a good excuse to move more of it to ground.


I’ve thought from the beginning this “response” plan was a planned demolition. Designed to fail in order to justify moving more freight to ground. The company hates P2... they don’t want it sorted, flown, or delivered by express employees. This would be a good excuse to move more of it to ground.
There's no way for Ground to handle Express freight without it being flown on planes. If Express implodes, the whole company goes.


Well-Known Member
I ran into a former manager of mine at the supermarket. He told me that in many cases those shipping P1s understand that delivery may not make service. They get a discount in exchange for giving up the money back guarantee as long as delivery occurs on the scheduled day. Later than that, they get their money back. Sounds a little wacko.

El Morado Diablo

Well-Known Member
Okay, you don't understand how LMO works.

LMO works by ingesting Ground at THE ORIGIN STATION!

Unless you're talking about the rumor....

Our station had a non-Origin station LMO letter a couple of days ago.
No one knew what kind of split we were supposed to use for it so they just box scanned it, tossed it in a bag and sent it on to our ramp.


Our station had a non-Origin station LMO letter a couple of days ago.
No one knew what kind of split we were supposed to use for it so they just box scanned it, tossed it in a bag and sent it on to our ramp.
All LMO packages are supposed to never be put on a plane. This is a way to get around the RLA exemption. If the company is planning on Ground taking and del air freight, the company will eventually lose that exemption.

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
All LMO packages are supposed to never be put on a plane. This is a way to get around the RLA exemption. If the company is planning on Ground taking and del air freight, the company will eventually lose that exemption.
How do most air cargo companies handle final mile delivery of their freight? I would assume it gets contracted out to ground transportation carriers.