The new plan,pt do p1


Just telling it like it is
You’d better hope they don’t change the classification. I can’t think of a better motivator to eliminate the Express courier position than a threat of unionization. They’ll send all the deliveries to Ground, maybe keep a tiny workforce of part time couriers for priority deliveries.
They could send all they want through Ground but that doesn’t mean they’ll get delivered. Ground has more than they can handle as it is. More volume is just gonna mean more dex 01’s, just from a different opco.


Huge Member
We aren't, but three times our freight has been mixed in with the Response freight. We are too far from the ramp to be involved.

Be glad you’re not involved with it lol. We’ve not run any Wave 2 routes this whole week. Just added the Wave 2 freight to the next day’s AM routes. Simply not enough people at my station.


Well-Known Member
I ran into a former manager of mine at the supermarket. He told me that in many cases those shipping P1s understand that delivery may not make service. They get a discount in exchange for giving up the money back guarantee as long as delivery occurs on the scheduled day. Later than that, they get their money back. Sounds a little wacko.
It is wacko. Most shippers want the service they selected and paid for.


Just telling it like it is
I’m really curious as to who is responsible for this CurrentFiasco, and if they’re still employed!

Dano!? Dano!?

Ben Stein.jpg

Star B

White Lightening
Not every zip code and most likely not every station, especially the very remote stations that are too far from a ramp.
general rule of thumb:
do you have an indy flight into your market area? then you're probably part of response.

we're not, thank god, but our memphis plane has been showing up earlier and earlier. i mean, it's ALMOST on time.


Well-Known Member
Not going to happen. That's too much too fast. Ground can't even handle what they have now and there is no way Express employees will go to ground. My guess is right now they are in panic mode and throwing anything at the wall to see if it sticks.
I don't believe service is as important as it once was. I believe the new mentality is just to get it delivered same day. We'll know come December.


Well-Known Member
I think you’re on to something here. Almost like they’re telling customers: “If you don’t like our delivery times use the OTHER FedEx.”