The partners have left the room


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
We have :censored2:s, jerks, and bullies in life.

Cops with high school education like to throw weight around because they carry guns and badges.
Foremen with high school education like to bully workers.
Marketing or Salespeople threaten you to do more work because they "want result". In reality they want big fat bonus while you work your butt off.

What else we haven't seen in our lives? I know it doesn't make your work life easy.
"college" educated does not mean less of an ass.

Your job is to make your boss look good no matter what you do.


Well-Known Member
I had my balls busted plenty of times. I just refused to dance on a :censored2:in string. They leave you alone eventually.
Some members absolutely have no balls no backbone. If I :censored2: up im doing admit it and take the consequences and move on but no way in hell are you going to berate me and thrown me under the bus for no good reason at all…nope


Well-Known Member
No.. I think his emoji was something like Glenn Wally.. the guy stayed hid somewhere in corporate and hadn’t done anything for years.. I might even have the emoji wrong..
I still pop in here from time to time. I’m fully retired now. I had about 12 good years of “in cubicle” retirement before I left though. The Corporate office is just a huge vortex of chit. Truly a paradise for ass kissers though. The successful ones use people who work for them as human shields when the chit hits the fan. As long as they don’t get splattered themselves their talents are well rewarded.


Well-Known Member
I still pop in here from time to time. I’m fully retired now. I had about 12 good years of “in cubicle” retirement before I left though. The Corporate office is just a huge vortex of :censored2:. Truly a paradise for ass kissers though. The successful ones use people who work for them as human shields when the :censored2: hits the fan. As long as they don’t get splattered themselves their talents are well rewarded.
I suspect most of us figured it was that way, but damn! Thank you for the confirmation.


Woke Racist Reigning Ban King
I still pop in here from time to time. I’m fully retired now. I had about 12 good years of “in cubicle” retirement before I left though. The Corporate office is just a huge vortex of chit. Truly a paradise for ass kissers though. The successful ones use people who work for them as human shields when the chit hits the fan. As long as they don’t get splattered themselves their talents are well rewarded.
Glad to hear from you. I lol at your post.
The fat is thick at corporate.


Sorry, but I don’t care anymore.
You cold hearted bastard. Where is the love?

Wait a second….


In the Spirit of Honore' Daumier
I still pop in here from time to time. I’m fully retired now. I had about 12 good years of “in cubicle” retirement before I left though. The Corporate office is just a huge vortex of chit. Truly a paradise for ass kissers though. The successful ones use people who work for them as human shields when the chit hits the fan. As long as they don’t get splattered themselves their talents are well rewarded.

Are they as dumb in person as their corporate spin statements?

I remember decades ago they proudly displayed a mural about their history…Jim Casey front and center… flash back to 1984…worst piece of Art since Hunter Biden’s…To me it displayed a woeful lack of understanding and intelligence, I knew back then to keep my mouth shut because they are and will always be locked into that “Fish Bowl” mentality…God forbid if the would talk to Union underlings, so beneath them.

If they only knew…


All Trash No Trailer
I'm sorry, but I actually have the ability to retain things I read.
If you don't know how these things work, people posts things on here, we read them and RETAIN THAT INFORMATION....
Over time we add to that information.
Kinda simple...maybe not for everyone.
Yeah like I said I live in your head rent free. 👍


Well-Known Member
Where is glenlake55wally when you need him?
I’m retired. The corporate office has been circling the drain for years. I can remember before 9/11 when the Management Committee didn’t lock themselves up on the 4th floor and not letting anyone in. One of the highlights of my afternoons was going up there to the Executive crapper to take my afternoon dump. Can’t do that anymore.