The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Mueller removed FBI agent from Trump investigation over possible bias: reports

Special counsel Robert Mueller removed a veteran FBI agent from his team amid an investigation into the agent potentially sending anti-Trump text messages, according to new reports on Saturday.

Three people close to the matter told The New York Times that Mueller reassigned Peter Strzok from the team investigating Russia's election meddling to the FBI's human resources department.

Strzok is a veteran FBI investigator who previously worked on the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server while she was secretary of State, as well as the investigation into potential connections between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials.
The Times reported that Strzok was removed from Mueller’s team after the Department of Justice’s inspector general launched an investigation into text messages sent by the agent that could appear to contain anti-Trump views.

The agent reportedly exchanged text messages with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, whom he was dating, during the campaign and Clinton investigation that appeared to support the Democratic presidential candidate, people with knowledge of the matter told The Washington Post.

Like I said before, Mueller seems like a stand-up kind of guy.


Well-Known Member
As of now there's no smoking gun, no money trail, no matter how badly you want it. But we did get tax reform passed. Good week for Repubs.

To be fair, we got tax ‘something’ passed in both houses.

They still gotta reconcile the two versions.

Do you support the tax bill?


Well-Known Member
A liar. Odd for a guy who's "not a politician"..
Seriously, You never told a chick, (maybe a guy for you)"I promise not to come in your mouth," or the landlord, "the checks in the mail?" Seriously, the only non liar was crucified for you sins and mine.


Staff member
Seriously, You never told a chick, (maybe a guy for you)"I promise not to come in your mouth," or the landlord, "the checks in the mail?" Seriously, the only non liar was crucified for you sins and mine.
Save me the preaching. You're in far too deep.


Well-Known Member
Who do you think Flynn is snitching on? He didn't get off this light without info on a bigger fish.
Sentencing was held when? I guess I missed that little technicality, how lightly did he get off? Another legal illiterate.
You claim Flynn is a liar, correct? I ask you, when do you (personally) start believing a liar. The answer is, WHEN IT SUITS YOUR NEEDS.