The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Seriously, You never told a chick, (maybe a guy for you)"I promise not to come in your mouth," or the landlord, "the checks in the mail?" Seriously, the only non liar was crucified for you sins and mine.

Wow, I’m mos def gonna take you seriously.

Get real.


Staff member
No, name what illegal thing was done involving Trump? Can't. You want it so bad you're grasping at anything.
I'd go with the glaringly obvious obstruction.

More intriguing though is the connection with Russian money that tax returns likely hold. The guy's dirty as hell and I don't have to prove it. Mueller is on that case.


Staff member
But y'all are talking like it's a foregone conclusion. Trump hasn't been charged with anything.
Neither has Hillary.

Every day this investigation goes on it becomes more obvious why the right wants so desperately to return to the good old days of Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.


Well-Known Member
I'd go with the glaringly obvious obstruction.

More intriguing though is the connection with Russian money that tax returns likely hold. The guy's dirty as hell and I don't have to prove it. Mueller is on that case.
The IRS knows what's in his returns. And it was already a known fact that Trump's company was involved in real estate deals in Russia and elsewhere in the former Soviet Union. There haven't been any charges made against Trump for anything yet. Remember Scooter Libby? Mueller has every right to bring charges against administration officials if he finds wrong doing but like Libby that doesn't mean the president is involved. Until actual charges are brought against Trump it's all conjecture, and wishful thinking by Trump haters.


Well-Known Member
Neither has Hillary.

Every day this investigation goes on it becomes more obvious why the right wants so desperately to return to the good old days of Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
Except Obama's subordinates provided cover for Hillary. Where's the special prosecutor for her? She's not out of the woods yet either.


Well-Known Member
Neither has Hillary.

Every day this investigation goes on it becomes more obvious why the right wants so desperately to return to the good old days of Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi.
It amazes me that you think there's nothing to Benghazi when both Hillary and Susan Rice blamed the attack on a video that supposedly enraged the Muslim world. And that has been totally debunked.

Amazes me further that in spite of major donors to her foundation getting face time with Hillary, and Bill giving speeches for many of them getting ridiculous sums to do so, as well as Hillary giving ridiculously high paid speeches when it was presumed she'd be president, that you just shrug it off as nothing. That she went way off the reservation violating national security laws with her private server, and tried to scrub said server before handing it over under subpoena, and Bill met Lynch concerning said issue, and you shrug it off as no big deal.

Yet there's nothing concrete about Trump doing anything illegal yet you're one hundred percent certain he's guilty of something horrendous. And you call Republicans partisan? Really?


Well-Known Member

I don’t know what you mean by context.

KT McFarland who is in the Trump administration has an email where she says because the Russian government helped Trump win the election he can’t be too hard on the Russian government.

Trump tweets that he knew Flynn lied to the FBI and Trump already admitted he personally asked Comey to stop investigating Flynn’s crimes.

That is the textbook definition of obstruction of justice

and when Comey didn’t stop investigating Flynn’s crimes Trump fired him which again is obstruction of justice.

republicans talk a lot of law and order but yet here is the president admitting to obstruction of justice twice.


Well-Known Member
It amazes me that you think there's nothing to Benghazi when both Hillary and Susan Rice blamed the attack on a video that supposedly enraged the Muslim world. And that has been totally debunked.

Amazes me further that in spite of major donors to her foundation getting face time with Hillary, and Bill giving speeches for many of them getting ridiculous sums to do so, as well as Hillary giving ridiculously high paid speeches when it was presumed she'd be president, that you just shrug it off as nothing. That she went way off the reservation violating national security laws with her private server, and tried to scrub said server before handing it over under subpoena, and Bill met Lynch concerning said issue, and you shrug it off as no big deal.

Yet there's nothing concrete about Trump doing anything illegal yet you're one hundred percent certain he's guilty of something horrendous. And you call Republicans partisan? Really?

Yeah he obstructed Justice. That’s illegal. He asked the director of the fbi whom he could fire to stop investigating the crimes of Flynn. He just tweeted that he knew Flynn lied to the FBI. Lying to the FBI is a crime. Having the president ask the head of the fbi to stop investigating someone that the president knows broke the law and then firing Comey..... come on that’s an actual crime.

Not the fake Benghazi stuff that you all don’t give a damn about.