The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Benghazi is just like the Iraq war or just like the “we can’t raise the debt” lie that republicans fake care about.

4 American soldiers lost their lives in brutal fashion, and no one has said why. Trump made one of the widows cry when he called her, and republicans don’t care one bit about that story.

They don’t care about Benghazi either. The same way they no longer care about defending the War in Iraq since Trump crapped on the war. Same way they no longer care about the debt now that trump is president.

Bottom line Trump broke the law he admitted it. No amount of what aboutism changes that simple fact.


Staff member
It amazes me that you think there's nothing to Benghazi when both Hillary and Susan Rice blamed the attack on a video that supposedly enraged the Muslim world. And that has been totally debunked.

Amazes me further that in spite of major donors to her foundation getting face time with Hillary, and Bill giving speeches for many of them getting ridiculous sums to do so, as well as Hillary giving ridiculously high paid speeches when it was presumed she'd be president, that you just shrug it off as nothing. That she went way off the reservation violating national security laws with her private server, and tried to scrub said server before handing it over under subpoena, and Bill met Lynch concerning said issue, and you shrug it off as no big deal.

Yet there's nothing concrete about Trump doing anything illegal yet you're one hundred percent certain he's guilty of something horrendous. And you call Republicans partisan? Really?
I am certain Trump is "guilty of something horrendous".

I'm amazed that with all the actors going down around Trump, you think there is nothing about the director that would be suspect. He's a CEO. Nobody did anything with the Russians without his say. Follow the campaign money and the money man himself and the linchpin is the president himself. And the money behind the money man is Vladimir Putin.


Well-Known Member
Yeah he obstructed Justice. That’s illegal. He asked the director of the fbi whom he could fire to stop investigating the crimes of Flynn. He just tweeted that he knew Flynn lied to the FBI. Lying to the FBI is a crime. Having the president ask the head of the fbi to stop investigating someone that the president knows broke the law and then firing Comey..... come on that’s an actual crime.

Not the fake Benghazi stuff that you all don’t give a damn about.
People died in Benghazi. The President at the time and his cohorts lied to the American public about it. It's already known that Trump asked Comey to go easy on Flynn. He asked, not ordered. And it was his right to fire Comey. And Comey has already admitted he leaked info about his meetings with Trump. Seems Trump had good reason to not trust Comey. And as there was no special prosecutor at that point how exactly was justice obstructed? At any rate there have been no charges yet brought against Trump and all of this is about whether Trump colluded with the Russians. Nothing so far.


Well-Known Member
I am certain Trump is "guilty of something horrendous".

I'm amazed that with all the actors going down around Trump, you think there is nothing about the director that would be suspect. He's a CEO. Nobody did anything with the Russians without his say. Follow the campaign money and the money man himself and the linchpin is the president himself. And the money behind the money man is Vladimir Putin.
The campaign money? Trump was famous for spending a fraction of what Hillary spent. He got tons of free coverage by saying outrageous things. And he was spending his own money too.


Well-Known Member
Benghazi is just like the Iraq war or just like the “we can’t raise the debt” lie that republicans fake care about.

4 American soldiers lost their lives in brutal fashion, and no one has said why. Trump made one of the widows cry when he called her, and republicans don’t care one bit about that story.

They don’t care about Benghazi either. The same way they no longer care about defending the War in Iraq since Trump crapped on the war. Same way they no longer care about the debt now that trump is president.

Bottom line Trump broke the law he admitted it. No amount of what aboutism changes that simple fact.
Comparing the 4 killed in Africa with Benghazi is ludicrous. They walked into an ambush. The President can't be there to make sure every soldier in every situation is safe. But in Benghazi they could've been helped but were denied. And then a story was made up. It was important to keep the public in the dark because the president and staff were projecting they had the Middle East and the greater Muslim world somewhat managed. That it was a powder keg that Obama's lack of leadership had helped create was something they didn't want voters to know going into the election.


Staff member
The campaign money? Trump was famous for spending a fraction of what Hillary spent. He got tons of free coverage by saying outrageous things. And he was spending his own money too.
And that's the rub. His own money? So tight with Russian lending that he can't criticize Putin?


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
Yeah he obstructed Justice. That’s illegal. He asked the director of the fbi whom he could fire to stop investigating the crimes of Flynn. He just tweeted that he knew Flynn lied to the FBI. Lying to the FBI is a crime. Having the president ask the head of the fbi to stop investigating someone that the president knows broke the law and then firing Comey..... come on that’s an actual crime.

Not the fake Benghazi stuff that you all don’t give a damn about.
actually he didnt and comey testified before congress he didnt

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Comparing the 4 killed in Africa with Benghazi is ludicrous. They walked into an ambush. The President can't be there to make sure every soldier in every situation is safe. But in Benghazi they could've been helped but were denied. And then a story was made up. It was important to keep the public in the dark because the president and staff were projecting they had the Middle East and the greater Muslim world somewhat managed. That it was a powder keg that Obama's lack of leadership had helped create was something they didn't want voters to know going into the election.
If you all care so much about Benghazi why hasn't the State department under Tillerson done a damn thing about embassy security? They have actually cut funding for it, I'm sure that will help.

Everything comes from Trump. He's the brilliant business man, right? There's no way so many of his subordinates are committing illegal acts without his direction. He can't be both the big man in charge and have his underlings running around committing crimes unchecked. He knows what they're doing because he told them to do it.


Do you need an air compressor or tire gauge
and now we know an anti trump head fbi agent was in charge of the trump dossier and Clinton investigation. This investigation is tainted and mueller is tainted and the fbi


Strength through joy
Flynn's guilty plead could be something that no one wants to admit .
How can one guy survive against a team of 17 lawyers who have an unlimited budget ?
There are reports that Flynn is broke and was thinking of selling his house prior to taking a plead deal .
Many time people will do this very thing to stop unwanted extra attention upon their past deeds . There's that Turkish kidnapping plot that Flynn may have been involved with .
Even that fired FBI director stated that Flynn never really lied to the FBI .
One of those discussions happen while Flynn was on holiday out of the country .

Some here call this deal a victory and they foresee The House of Trump crumbling . But I don't see that at all .

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
Flynn's guilty plead could be something that no one wants to admit .
How can one guy survive against a team of 17 lawyers who have an unlimited budget ?
There are reports that Flynn is broke and was thinking of selling his house prior to taking a plead deal .
Many time people will do this very thing to stop unwanted extra attention upon their past deeds . There's that Turkish kidnapping plot that Flynn may have been involved with .
Even that fired FBI director stated that Flynn never really lied to the FBI .
One of those discussions happen while Flynn was on holiday out of the country .

Some here call this deal a victory and they foresee The House of Trump crumbling . But I don't see that at all .
What do you think Flynn traded for the deal?

It will be fine

Well-Known Member
It was reported that he would help in the investigation of some one else . Who ? It was not stated on the reports , so that could mean anyone .
But he's happy they have focused their attention elsewhere .
They don't make deals for info on people lower on the chain. There weren't many people above Flynn.


Strength through joy
On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said, “Well, the last thing any prosecutor wants to do is to have to indict his primary witness for lying. Because if you indict your witness for lying, it really means he’s not useful as a witness, he has no credibility. I’m sure the prosecutor was trying to indict him for some scheme or conspiracy that involved other people in the White House, but there is nothing there, and he had to, finally come down and indict him for lying, which makes him a useless witness. So, this is not a show of strength by the prosecutor. It’s a show of weakness. It’s a show that they really have nothing on anybody above of Flynn and that Flynn made the terrible mistake about lying about something he could have told truth about. Because the two things he lied about were perfectly lawful and perfectly proper for somebody to do during the transition. And so, I think it really reflects a weakness, not a strength in Mueller’s prosecution.”


golden ticket member
On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said, “Well, the last thing any prosecutor wants to do is to have to indict his primary witness for lying. Because if you indict your witness for lying, it really means he’s not useful as a witness, he has no credibility. I’m sure the prosecutor was trying to indict him for some scheme or conspiracy that involved other people in the White House, but there is nothing there, and he had to, finally come down and indict him for lying, which makes him a useless witness. So, this is not a show of strength by the prosecutor. It’s a show of weakness. It’s a show that they really have nothing on anybody above of Flynn and that Flynn made the terrible mistake about lying about something he could have told truth about. Because the two things he lied about were perfectly lawful and perfectly proper for somebody to do during the transition. And so, I think it really reflects a weakness, not a strength in Mueller’s prosecution.”
It also shows the double standard......Hillary's been lying, but wasn't sworn in, so she's free.