The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
On Saturday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Fox & Friends,” Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz said, “Well, the last thing any prosecutor wants to do is to have to indict his primary witness for lying. Because if you indict your witness for lying, it really means he’s not useful as a witness, he has no credibility. I’m sure the prosecutor was trying to indict him for some scheme or conspiracy that involved other people in the White House, but there is nothing there, and he had to, finally come down and indict him for lying, which makes him a useless witness. So, this is not a show of strength by the prosecutor. It’s a show of weakness. It’s a show that they really have nothing on anybody above of Flynn and that Flynn made the terrible mistake about lying about something he could have told truth about. Because the two things he lied about were perfectly lawful and perfectly proper for somebody to do during the transition. And so, I think it really reflects a weakness, not a strength in Mueller’s prosecution.”
@bbsam needs to read this analysis from a great high lefty. A stalwart leftist, Harvard Law Professor, and accomplished Counsel. I'm sure @bbsam will explain the deficiencies of his analysis.


Well-Known Member
I’m pretty sure Dershowitz’s politics are amazingly transparent of late.
So you think the guy is gonna ditch a 50+ year legal career and his integrity over this? Shows how truly simpleminded you are and if you were sent to the store for a box of integrity you'd bring back depends. Thanks, give me 12.


Well-Known Member
So you think the guy is gonna ditch a 50+ year legal career and his integrity over this? Shows how truly simpleminded you are and if you were sent to the store for a box of integrity you'd bring back depends. Thanks, give me 12.

He’s not ditching anything, he’s just quite partisan.

Great, you found a famous lawyer who said something you agree with.

Other lawyers take a completely different tack on the situation.

That, and $3.00, will get you a large DD Iced coffee.


Well-Known Member
People died in Benghazi. The President at the time and his cohorts lied to the American public about it. It's already known that Trump asked Comey to go easy on Flynn. He asked, not ordered. And it was his right to fire Comey. And Comey has already admitted he leaked info about his meetings with Trump. Seems Trump had good reason to not trust Comey. And as there was no special prosecutor at that point how exactly was justice obstructed? At any rate there have been no charges yet brought against Trump and all of this is about whether Trump colluded with the Russians. Nothing so far.

Comey was investigating Flynn. Trump knew Flynn broke the law he just admitted it. Getting involved at all with asking or telling Comey to not investigate Flynn when he knew Flynn broke the law is obstruction of justice.

So Trump’s friends can break the law and as President he can request that they not be punished and you are ok with that?

There is no way around this fact.


Well-Known Member
actually he didnt and comey testified before congress he didnt
Comey didn’t testify that Trump didn’t commit obstruction of justice. Lol. Again he has admitted to it.
Again he knew Flynn broke the law he just admitted to this and then he goes and tells Comey to lay off Flynn. How is that not obstruction?

How are you all ok with the president asking the fbi to not investigate his buddies when he knows his buddy broke the law?


Well-Known Member
Comparing the 4 killed in Africa with Benghazi is ludicrous. They walked into an ambush. The President can't be there to make sure every soldier in every situation is safe. But in Benghazi they could've been helped but were denied. And then a story was made up. It was important to keep the public in the dark because the president and staff were projecting they had the Middle East and the greater Muslim world somewhat managed. That it was a powder keg that Obama's lack of leadership had helped create was something they didn't want voters to know going into the election.

Again, I’m not gonna pretend you all care about Benghazi. You don’t. If you did you’d care about the 4 dead in Africa, you’d care that Trump made the wife of one of the dead soldiers cry with his phone call, you’d care that there has been no explanation why they were there, why there wasn’t adequate protection, etc and so on.

Bottomline is trump just admitted to obstruction of justice and I don’t have to imagine or read into anything. He has admitted to it and all the whatsboutism changes nothing.


Well-Known Member
He’s not ditching anything, he’s just quite partisan.

Great, you found a famous lawyer who said something you agree with.

Other lawyers take a completely different tack on the situation.

That, and $3.00, will get you a large DD Iced coffee.
I'm only attempting to help you save your face. It's best when tacking, to tack (in this case) within the USC.


Well-Known Member
Comey didn’t testify that Trump didn’t commit obstruction of justice. Lol. Again he has admitted to it.
Again he knew Flynn broke the law he just admitted to this and then he goes and tells Comey to lay off Flynn. How is that not obstruction?

How are you all ok with the president asking the fbi to not investigate his buddies when he knows his buddy broke the law?
What law did Flynn plead guilty to breaking?


Staff member
@bbsam needs to read this analysis from a great high lefty. A stalwart leftist, Harvard Law Professor, and accomplished Counsel. I'm sure @bbsam will explain the deficiencies of his analysis.
Did you even read the analysis? The reason Flynn was charged with "only" lying is because it's part of a plea deal. Everything else is being held over his head in case he decides to lie or somehow derail Mueller. In that case, Flynn and his son go away for a very long time.

Maybe Dershowitz isn't so bright after all.


Well-Known Member
Did you even read the analysis? The reason Flynn was charged with "only" lying is because it's part of a plea deal. Everything else is being held over his head in case he decides to lie or somehow derail Mueller. In that case, Flynn and his son go away for a very long time.

Maybe Dershowitz isn't so bright after all.
The Big Gun finally shows up to the corral. Believe what you like.


Well-Known Member
Did you even read the analysis? The reason Flynn was charged with "only" lying is because it's part of a plea deal. Everything else is being held over his head in case he decides to lie or somehow derail Mueller. In that case, Flynn and his son go away for a very long time.

Maybe Dershowitz isn't so bright after all.
Process crimes. Remember when you asked me what I thought would happen? If not it's here, readily available for any to see. Gotta have a scalp from this, Flynn is simply a scalp.
Let's play sammy, looks like the ole refinery worker crapped out.