The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
If you really wanted to point out the obvious, you could point out how absurd it is to infer one media conglomerate is superior to another. Much like it is completely absurd to infer one party is better than the other within the context of the two party system.
Who's inferring? :)


Well-Known Member
I don't think the news is way left but the political pundit networks like CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, ABC News and CBS News certainly are.
The political pundit networks like FOX News and OAN are reliably far right.

Of all the named above, OAN is the only one that actually presents the news, albeit with a rightish bent.
Have you not watched Bret Baier on FOX? Not an opinion show.


Well-Known Member
Ya you did, I'm not making anything up.
Look bro I really don't want to go down this road with you again, it's disgusting.

Just drop it bud.
I didn't defend paedophilia, just pointed out the definition being used was incorrect. You take things out of context, alter meanings, anything to try and slam someone. You make things up. You're generally just not a very nice guy. Worse than Brown Army, IWBF, Sportello, and Meat combined. Oh boo boo, you make me sad. You big meanie. Stop it, just stop it! I can't take it anymore. This is it Elizabeth, I'm coming! Not that kind of coming you perv.


Whac-A-Troll Patrol
Staff member
This thread is supposed to be about Russia and Trump if you could keep it on topic, and take your xenophobic and anti San Francisco diatribes to the proper threads it would be appreciated...Thanks for your cooperation

You are just crazed cause I was talking about your people...Feces. :poop::poop: Maybe you need to get to SF and have a talk with them.:happy-very:

El Correcto

god is dead
Guy, spend ten minutes of your life and look at the vids I posted.

I’m trying to communicate to you that what you assumue is ‘local’ news is actually anything but.

And, this shouldn’t be a partisan thing, our news should be free, fair, and independent.

Sinclair is solid ‘Right’, but it would be just as alarming if a similar ‘Left’ organization was snapping up local media stations all across the land to disseminate a message that served their bottom line.

I’ll say that last part again:

‘To disseminate a message that serves the bottom line’.

That’s the antithesis of objective journalism.

I watched your video, maybe more Americans trust them because they are right.

I don’t watch TV news, it’s hot garbage.

I only watched local news to see if my school was closed on snow days. It never was, :censored2: the local news.


Well-Known Member


Staff member
You're deflecting. What exactly was the assistance Obama sent? When Obama was caught on that hot mic saying to tell Vladimir to be patient what do you think they were talking about? Ask the folks in Ukraine. There's Obama's assistance, he let Russia invade. They asked for defensive weapons to defend themselves. Obama refused. Trump gave them handheld anti-tank missiles to keep the Russians from advancing any further into Ukrainian territory without suffering major casualties. Putin was furious. Trump never offered to build the Ukrainian military into something akin to Israel's. Israel has gotten a lot of assistance over the years because it's surrounded by enemies who tried to invade twice. Huge difference. So far Trump has given just enough aid for Ukraine to feel more secure while not escalating the war into something much worse.
Let me make it simple for you with a question. Will Trump’s billion dollars worth of aid succeed in thwarting the Russian aggression? If the answer is no, then is it really an example of Trump being tough with the Russians?


Well-Known Member
Let me make it simple for you with a question. Will Trump’s billion dollars worth of aid succeed in thwarting the Russian aggression? If the answer is no, then is it really an example of Trump being tough with the Russians?
Trump didn't try to escalate the war in Ukraine giving them offensive weapons. By design it's to limit further aggression. Putin is in eastern Ukraine for the same reasons he went into South Ossetia. To take territory that is primarily ethnic Russian, and to remind everyone in the region who is the dominant power. It's pretty much a given that the Donbass and Crimea are gone from Ukraine. But Putin risks major casualties if he goes further now that Ukraine has some teeth. And that doesn't play well at home after Afghanistan. I'll answer your question with a question..does Putin prefer Trump arming Ukraine, or does he prefer not arming them, as Obama refused to do?


Well-Known Member
That says more about you than Bret.
Shep Smith - maybe ... Bret Baier - no way?
Definitely a conservative POV in most everything.
I will have to say Bret is OK but definitely from a conservative angle.
It's hard news, not an opinion show, and when they have a roundtable discussion they aren't all conservatives, same with Chris Wallace. And you brought up another example of FOX News not being the polar opposite of MSNBC, Shepard Smith. And if you watch Tucker Carlson he brings on Democrat Congressmen and city councilmen and liberal professors every night to debate issues. It's nothing like how other channels operate and those who say it is aren't even watching. Now for all of you kool-aiders who think I'm drinking it, on Hannity the other night he kept bringing up the Uranium One deal. Knowing what I know from here I'd say I'm being lied to by Hannity. But knowing also from Hannity about the huge donation to the Clinton foundation as well as Bill's $500,000 speaking fee in Moscow from the same folks involved in the deal, I'd say the Clintons used their influence to make sure the deal went through. Might have been a bunch of agencies involved, but I bet amongst those 33,000 missing emails are a bunch of them strong arming people at those agencies, greasing the wheels to make it happen. So you may be right that none of the uranium went to Russia, but you can bet the Russians involved got very rich on the deal as well as many others in our government.