The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Let me make it simple for you with a question. Will Trump’s billion dollars worth of aid succeed in thwarting the Russian aggression? If the answer is no, then is it really an example of Trump being tough with the Russians?



Well-Known Member
Maybe you could answer the question.

Probably not.
Trouble is amigo you won't accept any answer but what you want to hear. I believe you sincerely believe that Obama must have done something to assist the Ukrainians, and were probably surprised to learn he didn't. That's what's so ironic about the latest ballyhoo concerning Trump/Putin. Everyone on the Left is so certain Trump is Putin's stooge, yet they aren't being made aware of what Trump is actually doing. Everything is twisted to make him look bad and that's along with himself stumbling along. But he's doing the right thing in Ukraine, and was doing it before it would've been considered playing to current politics. Will it stop Putin? If Putin loses a bunch of tanks and their crews it'll make him look foolish at home. He won't risk that. He'll take the easy way out, saying he protected their Russian cousins in the Donbass from being dominated by those nasty Ukrainians. Everyone will say good job and that'll be that until he perceives a weak president in the future who won't stop him from taking half the territory of another former Soviet republic. Most likely Kazakhstan, where 25% of the population is Russian and they have oil and wheat. And for those keeping score I surmised this from a number of news sources as well as my research on Central Asia, not FOX News. And for those making snarky comments on my being in the former U.S.S.R., they all hate the Russians with a passion, and I've received nothing but genuine admiration for the U.S. here. For those stupid enough to put these places down, I thought the idea was to convince them to turn away from communism and embrace capitalism? They certainly are doing that in Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Georgia. And all across Eastern Europe. Most of Eastern Europe is in the EU and NATO now. To be talking about them as communists is at best uninformed.


Staff member
Was Obama Too Soft on Russia? - The Atlantic

I think this article gets it right as did Obama.

We were not and are not willing to go to war over Ukraine. A billion dollars is nothing but a waste. More and stronger sanctions (the kind congress has to pull a kicking and screaming president Trump to) will do more to pressure Putin.

But if the Ukrainians want to BUY arms from US dealers, who is the president to stop them?


Well-Known Member
Was Obama Too Soft on Russia? - The Atlantic

I think this article gets it right as did Obama.

We were not and are not willing to go to war over Ukraine. A billion dollars is nothing but a waste. More and stronger sanctions (the kind congress has to pull a kicking and screaming president Trump to) will do more to pressure Putin.

But if the Ukrainians want to BUY arms from US dealers, who is the president to stop them?

Trump has stronger sanctions now then Obama. if these sanctions are so important why werent you screaming for them when Obama was in office.

you guys kissed Putins ass for 8 years (reset button) and now your screaming at and blaming Trump for Obama's failed policies.


Staff member
Trump has stronger sanctions now then Obama. if these sanctions are so important why werent you screaming for them when Obama was in office.

you guys kissed Putins ass for 8 years (reset button) and now your screaming at and blaming Trump for Obama's failed policies.
The sanctions are because congress forced them. Trump fought them.


Well-Known Member
FBI makes public FISA warrant for former Trump campaign aide Carter Page


And the FBI releases the information just in time for The Sunday news shows the Sunday after Trump blows Putin on the Helsinki world stage.

Maybe he should start respecting the intelligence community.
Maybe they should release the unredacted version. Nowhere in that piece does it say the FISA judge was told the Steele dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign. Let's see what the upcoming IG report has to say.


Staff member
Maybe they should release the unredacted version. Nowhere in that piece does it say the FISA judge was told the Steele dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign. Let's see what the upcoming IG report has to say.
Doesn’t matter. There were other sources corroborating the Steele dossier.


Well-Known Member
The sanctions are because congress forced them. Trump fought them.
Trump resisted new sanctions on Russia for their involvement in Syria. Sanctions imposed already on Ukraine by Obama administration plus new sanctions by Trump are still in place. Trump said they'd stay in place until Russia turns Crimea back over to Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
Doesn’t matter. There were other sources corroborating the Steele dossier.
There was one other source used. It didn't corroborate the Steele Dossier. Even Comey rejected the Steele Dossier. It was never corroborated by the FBI but was still used to obtain the warrant. And the kicker is the other source used was based on the Steele dossier.

Old Man Jingles

Rat out of a cage
I don't think the news is way left but the political pundit networks like CNN, MSNBC, NBC News, ABC News and CBS News certainly are.
The political pundit networks like FOX News and OAN are reliably far right.

Of all the named above, OAN is the only one that actually presents the news, albeit with a rightish bent.

Have you not watched Bret Baier on FOX? Not an opinion show.
I did not say "opinion" ... I said "pundit".
Similar but there are differences.

Beware the pundit, a supposed expert who imparts deep knowledge to us more ignorant folks. Pundits are often blowhards, mere hacks, and you might well want to take what they say with a pinch of salt.

Why not call them simply experts? Because pundit is a lovely word that has a slightly mocking sense to it. Classic examples of the pundit are talk radio show hosts and professional sports commentators, all brilliant dispensers of hot air amongst the odd insight and statistic. Our modern day pundit is a far cry from the original meaning of the word, a "learned man, master, or teacher" ... from the ancient Hindi word payndit.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Maybe they should release the unredacted version. Nowhere in that piece does it say the FISA judge was told the Steele dossier was paid for by the Clinton campaign. Let's see what the upcoming IG report has to say.

The biggest immediate takeaways from the redacted version:

  1. Carter Page is a spy for the Russian government. He is not an unwilling or unwitting collaborator. He is a full on spy working for Russian intel and military.

  2. Carter Page met with the president of Rosneft while in Russia when he was part of Trump's campaign. This confirms a huge part of the Steele Dossier

  3. Carter Page sought damaging material on Clinton while in Russia from Russian intel. Direct collusion and criminal conspiracy.
Unless Page has sung like a bird about everyone above him, he will die in prison. He may also be executed.


Well-Known Member
I did not say "opinion" ... I said "pundit".
Similar but there are differences.

Beware the pundit, a supposed expert who imparts deep knowledge to us more ignorant folks. Pundits are often blowhards, mere hacks, and you might well want to take what they say with a pinch of salt.

Why not call them simply experts? Because pundit is a lovely word that has a slightly mocking sense to it. Classic examples of the pundit are talk radio show hosts and professional sports commentators, all brilliant dispensers of hot air amongst the odd insight and statistic. Our modern day pundit is a far cry from the original meaning of the word, a "learned man, master, or teacher" ... from the ancient Hindi word payndit.
Hannity, Ingraham, Carlson, Maddow, etc are pundits. Baier is a news anchor just like they have at the three major networks.