The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Staff member
Anyone get the feeling that after last week’s presidential debacle the Republican leadership is looking at the FBI release as a possible exit ramp from the Clown in Chief before the mid-term elections?


Well-Known Member
Anyone get the feeling that after last week’s presidential debacle the Republican leadership is looking at the FBI release as a possible exit ramp from the Clown in Chief before the mid-term elections?
Most definitely. If not there will most definitely be a #bluewave.


Well-Known Member
Bambi? He has admitted that he was a Kremlin advisor. Lol
No he hasn't. The Steele dossier even said that he was offered a 10% stake in a major Russian oil company to spy for the Russians. That would have amounted to an $11 Billion Dollar windfall. Really? I bet all of you would volunteer to spy for Russia for $11 Billion. As if anyone would offer that.


Staff member
No he hasn't. The Steele dossier even said that he was offered a 10% stake in a major Russian oil company to spy for the Russians. That would have amounted to an $11 Billion Dollar windfall. Really? I bet all of you would volunteer to spy for Russia for $11 Billion. As if anyone would offer that.
I’d do it.


Well-Known Member
So you believe that everything having to do with possible Russian collusion is “fake news”?
I think Trump is cosy with the Russians because his company was looking at opening Trump Towers in a number of cities in that region. He ain't going to be president forever.


Staff member
I think Trump is cosy with the Russians because his company was looking at opening Trump Towers in a number of cities in that region. He ain't going to be president forever.
Cozy with the Russians because of the future or because of the past? Not like he hasn’t had a lot of funding come out of there.

And we ain’t talking about an auto loan!


Staff member
Promoting himself to get work isn't the same as spying for Russia. Facts Mak, facts.
You know, lying about certain facts will get attention from the authorities. Don’t believe me? Go tell a TSA agent at an airline that you are a trained bomb maker.