The Russians Are Coming, The Russians Are Coming!


Well-Known Member
Sounds like he hasn't been straight up saying he wasn't working for Russia in his rants about the recent news of the post-Comey firing FBI investigation either.

And today's headline is that he's been going way out of his way to hide details and records of private conversations with Putin from his own staff as well.

Dude is guilty as :censored2: of working for the Russians.

pass the joint bro , don't hog the good stuff.


Well-Known Member
I didn't see it. Did he also give her an "Of course not!" ?

trump has never given a yes or no answer. He always gives long winded explanatory answers to all questions. to indict him for not doing something he has never done is being argumentative.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
Drip, drip...

Trump’s mob-linked ex-associate gives $5,400 to campaign

A Russian-born, mafia-linked businessman whose ties to both Donald Trump and loyalists of Russian President Vladimir Putin have sparked scrutiny, visited Trump Tower last month for undisclosed business, he told POLITICO.

Last line of the article:

“I think he’ll make the greatest president of this century,” Sater said of Trump. “Because he’s not an indebted politician.”


The Russians knew an idiot they could work when they saw one and funded Trump when the banks no longer would after all of those bankruptcies.


Well-Known Member
That's exactly why he's into non-answers now. Because he said "NO COLLUSIONNNNNN" to Mueller. LOL

its not a non answer now issue. its his style of speaking that you see. He's a new yorker who rambles a lot when he talks. If thats his crime build more jails cause two thirds of New York city is going to jail.


Well-Known Member
Last line of the article:

“I think he’ll make the greatest president of this century,” Sater said of Trump. “Because he’s not an indebted politician.”


The Russians knew an idiot they could work when they saw one and funded Trump when the banks no longer would after all of those bankruptcies.

you do realize that trump has been much tougher on russia then Obama ever was?


Box Ox

Well-Known Member
you do realize that trump has been much tougher on russia then Obama ever was?

The Administration is currently surrendering Syria to the Russians, holding secret meetings with Putin and inexplicably trying to lift sanctions on companies owned by Oleg Deripaska. And the current sanctions regime won't be enough to save him from the facts of what he's done. It's the least any Russian colluder would do to try and keep the heat off.


Well-Known Member
If you'd like to use a technicality as an out, that's fine. Not formally declaring war over armed conflicts has been a US thing for decades.

you cant say we're surrendering a piece of land we never declared to win. Attaining, fighting and dying for Syria was never the objective . thats not a technicality .

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
you cant say we're surrendering a piece of land we never declared to win. Attaining, fighting and dying for Syria was never the objective . thats not a technicality .

That's been the US modus operandi since the Korean War. And the 2,000 US troops in Syria are not at great risk.


Well-Known Member
That's been the US modus operandi since the Korean War. And the 2,000 US troops in Syria are not at great risk.

says the guy doing a risk assessment from his computer. you did post an article that told of a significant battle fought by our troops in Syria ? Did you forget?

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
says the guy doing a risk assessment from his computer. you did post an article that told of a significant battle fought by our troops in Syria ? Did you forget?

They held a strong position with significant support mechanisms in place. It was done right. They're not in a running gun battle with the Russians and Syrians.

Box Ox

Well-Known Member
ok then the article you posted was fake news?

Not at all. They held a strong position with significant support mechanisms in place. It was done right. They're not in a running gun battle with the Russians and Syrians. They are there to support our allies and prevent ISIS from re-emerging.